Exploring Campaign Finance Data for the 2019-2020 Election Cycle via R Shiny

  1. Data Characteristics
  2. Committee Contributions
  3. Individual Contributions
  4. Committee to Committee Transactions

1. Data Characteristics

This application filters Federal Election Commission (FEC) data for the 2019-2020 election cycle as specified by the user. The data consists of three main types of records - contribution records, committee records, and candidate records. A contribution record links to an associated committee record via the CMTE_ID field. The committee record then links to an associated candidate record (if there is one) via the CAND_ID field. Following is a description of all of the fields available in each of these three types of records.

ghoet  # Field                 Label        Description
-----  - --------------------  -----------  -----------
Contribution Record
.....  - CMTE_ID               CMTE_ID      A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a committee by the Federal Election Commission
g.o..  + AMNDT_IND             IND          Indicates if the report being filed is new (N), an amendment (A) to a previous report or a termination (T) report.
g.o..  + RPT_TP                RPT          Indicates the type of report filed: Mn = month due, Qn = quarterly, 12P = Pre-primary, 12g = Pre-general, 12R = Pre-Runoff, 12S = Pre-Runoff, all codes
g.o..  # TRANSACTION_PGI       T_PGI        EYYYY: E: P = Primary, G = General, O = Other, C = Convention, R = Runoff, S = Special, E = Recount; YYYY = election year
.....    IMAGE_NUM             IMAGE_NUM    YYYYMMDDSSPPPPPPPP: YYYY - scanning year, MM - month, DD - day, SS - source (02-Senate, 03-FEC Paper, 90-99-FEC Electronic), PPPPPPPP - page
g.o..  + TRANSACTION_TP        T_TP         Transaction types 10, 11, 15, 15C, 15E, 15I, 15T, 19, 22Y, 24I, 24T, 20Y, 21Y, 30, 30T, 31, 31T, 32, 32T, 40T, 40Y, 41T, 41Y, 42T or 42Y, all codes
g.o..  + ENTITY_TP             E_TP         CAN = Candidate, CCM = Candidate Committee, COM = Committee, IND = Individual, ORG = Organization, PAC = Pol Action Comm, PTY = Party Org (elec only)
ghoet  # NAME                  NAME         Contributor/Lender/Transfer Name (200 char)
ghoet  # CITY                  CITY         City (30 char)
ghoe.  # STATE                 STATE        State (2 char)
g.o..  # ZIP_CODE              ZIP_CODE     ZIP code (9 char)
g.o..  # EMPLOYER              EMPLOYER     Employer (38 char)
g.o..  # OCCUPATION            OCCUPATION   Occupation (38 char)
gho..  # TRANSACTION_DT        TRANS_DT     Transaction date (MMDDYYYY)
.ho..  # TRANSACTION_AMT       TRANS_AMT    Transaction amount
g.o..  + OTHER_ID              OTHER_ID     For contributions from candidates or other committees, this column will contain that contributor's FEC ID.
.....    TRAN_ID               TRAN_ID      A unique identifier associated with each itemization or transaction appearing in an FEC electronic file.
.....    FILE_NUM              FILE_NUM     Unique report id
g.o..  + MEMO_CD               M_CD         'X' indicates that the amount is NOT to be included in the itemization total.
.....    MEMO_TEXT             MEMO         A description of the activity. Memo Text is available on itemized amounts on Schedules A and B. These transactions are included in the itemization total.
.....    SUB_ID                SUB_ID       Unique row ID
Committee Record
.....  - CMTE_ID               CMTE_ID      A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a committee by the Federal Election Commission
ghoet  # CMTE_NM               CMTE_NM      Committee name (200 char)
.....    TRES_NM               TRES_NM      The officially registered treasurer for the committee. (90 char)
....t    CMTE_ST1              CMTE_ST1     Street one
.....    CMTE_ST2              CMTE_ST2     Street two
....t    CMTE_CITY             CMTE_CITY    City or town
.....    CMTE_ST               CMTE_ST      State
.....    CMTE_ZIP              CMTE_ZIP     ZIP code
.....    CMTE_DSGN             CMTE_DSGN    A = Authorized, B = Lobbyist/Registrant PAC, D = Leadership PAC, J = Joint fundraiser, P = Principal candidate committee, U = Unauthorized
.....    CMTE_TP               CMTE_TP      Committee type: List of committee type codes
gh...  # CMTE_PTY_AFFILIATION  CMTE_PTY     Committee party  List of party codes
.....    CMTE_FILING_FREQ      FILE_FREQ    Filing frequency: A = Administratively terminated, D = Debt, M = Monthly filer, Q = Quarterly filer, T = Terminated, W = Waived
.....    ORG_TP                ORG_TP       C = Corporation, L = Labor organization, M = Membership organization, T = Trade association, V = Cooperative, W = Corporation w/o capital stock
g...t  # CONNECTED_ORG_NM      ORG_NAME     Connected organization's name
.....  - CAND_ID               CAND_ID      When a committee has a committee type designation of H, S, or P, the candidate's identification number will be entered in this field.
Candidate Record
.....  - CAND_ID               CAND_ID      A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a candidate by the Federal Election Commission.
ghoet  # CAND_NAME             CAND_NAME    Candidate name
gh...  # CAND_PTY_AFFILIATION  CAND_PTY     Party affiliation ...
.....    CAND_ELECTION_YR      ELECT_YR     Year of election
.....    CAND_OFFICE_ST        OFFICE_ST    Candidate state (2 char)
.....    CAND_OFFICE           OFFICE       Candidate office: H = House, P = President, S = Senate
.....    CAND_OFFICE_DISTRICT  OFF_DIST     Congressional district number, Congressional at-large 00, Senate 00, Presidential 00
.....    CAND_ICI              CAND_ICI     Incumbent challenger status: C = Challenger, I = Incumbent, O = Open Seat
.....    CAND_STATUS           CAND_STATUS  C = Statutory candidate, F = Statutory candidate for future election, N = Not yet a statutory candidate, P = Statutory candidate in prior cycle	
.....    CAND_PCC              CAND_PCC     The ID assigned by the Federal Election Commission to the candidate's principal campaign committee for a given election cycle.
....t    CAND_ST1              CAND_ST1     Mailing address - street
.....    CAND_ST2              CAND_ST2     Mailing address - street2
....t    CAND_CITY             CAND_CITY    Mailing address - city
gh...  # CAND_ST               CAND_ST      Mailing address - state
.....    CAND_ZIP              CAND_ZIP     Mailing address - ZIP code

g = group
h = show
o = sort
e = search
t = trim

# = displayable field
+ = displayable field (extended)
- = link field
The characters g, h, o, e, and t in the left column indicate whether the given field can be used for grouping, show (display), sorting, searching, and can be trimmed. These are explained further in the following examples. The #, +, or - in the next column indicates whether the field is displayable. The reason that all fields are not displayable is that the amount of FEC data is massive. When downloaded on October 3rd, the file that contains contributions by individuals in the 2019-2020 election cycle was 6.7 gigbytes and contained over 35 million records. Even before the committee and candidate data is merged in, this overwhelms the memory and processing capacities of most personal computers. To address, this only the fields marked by a #, +, or - are used. Those marked by # are always displayable, those marked by + are displayable on personal computers but not the web version of this application (due to lack of sufficient memory on the server), and those marked by - are used only to link the contribution, committee, and candidate records. Even after doing this, the individual contributions must be stored and handled in two separate files, one for data before 2/1/2020 and one for data from 2/1/2020 and later.

The third column shows the actual field names from the FEC files. The next column shows the field names that are used and displayed by the Shiny application. Finally the last column gives a description of each field.

2. Committee Contributions

Following is the first page that comes up when the application is launched:

Campaign Finance Data, 2019-2020 - initial Committee page

Looking at the input fields in the sidepanel on the left side, the value of "Committee" in the Donor select list indicates that this list is for contributions from committees (to candidates & independent expenditures). The value "TRANS_AMT" in the "Sort by" select list indicates that the list is sorted by the transaction amount. The header of the resulting list on the right shows that the data contained 259,755 rows with total transactions of over $939 million. Also, their tranaction dates (TRANS_DT) were between 2015-05-07 and 2020-10-01. The NA(TRANS_DT) value of 1,056 indicates that there were also 1,056 rows with TRANS_DT set to NA (not applicable). These 1,056 can be included by setting the first date in the "Date range" field to any date that's later than the second date, say 3000-0101. This disables the date filtering and the header now shows there to be 260,811 (259,755 + 1,056) rows.

The first row under the headers shows that the largest committee contribution was for over $9.5 million and was from AL MEDIA to PERSIST PAC. Googling "AL MEDIA" and OpenSecrets leads to this page which shows that AL Media has made total payments of nearly $30 million in the 2020 election cycle. Googling "PERSIST PAC" and OpenSecrets leads to this page which states that Persist PAC is a single-candidate PAC in support of Elizabeth Warren (D). Unfortunately, the FEC record for Persist PAC does not show the link to candidate Warren so the link does not show up in the first row. I may attempt to add these unspecified linkages from another source at some point. Until then, the user has google any such information, if desired. As can be seen from the listing, the only candidate linkage that appears on this page is Dan Sullivan connected with NRSC. Googling "NRSC OpenSecrets" (without the quotes) leads to this page which shows that NRSC stands for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Googling "Dan Sullivan" reveals that he is the junior Senator from Alaska. It's not clear why Dan Sullivan is listed as the linked candidate except that that is who is listed in the associated committee record.

In any event, note that the screen is not quite wide enough to display all of the columns. This is partially due to the fact that the list contains the first 900 records by default and the width of the columns is being set to contain the widest entry for each column. The width of some of the columns can be narrowed in two ways. One is to set the value of the "Maximum Column Width" input box to something less than 40. This will set the maximum width of the fields designated by a 't' in the first column of the first table on this page. For example, setting it to 20 would shorten the committee name "EVERYTOWN FOR GUN SAFETY VICTORY FUND (E" above to "EVERYTOWN FOR GUN SA". A better way narrow the columns might be to set the "Maximum Total Rows" input box to only the number of rows that you really wish to see. For example, setting it to 70 will cause the following lines (28 to 70) in the listing to look as follows:

Campaign Finance Data, 2019-2020 - second Committee page

As can be seen, the column widths of NAME, CITY, and CAND_NAME are noticeably less. That's because each is set to the maximum width for the first 70 rows rather than the default of the first 900 rows. In any event, the other input fields can be seen in sidepanel on the left side.

The above two screenshots show each contribution made by committees. As can be seen, some committees made multiple contributions to the same group. For example, lines 41 to 43 above are all contributions from WATERFRONT STRATEGIES to SMP (Senate Majority PAC). It's possible to aggregate these multiple contributions by selecting NAME, CITY, STATE, CMTE_NM, CMTE_PTY, and CAND_NAME in the "Group by" select input. Doing that and then clicking the Submit button results in the following screen:

Campaign Finance Data, 2019-2020 - Committee grouped by NAME, CITY, STATE, CMTE_NM, CMTE_PTY, CAND_NAME

As can be seen, the largest combined contribution made by a committee to the a single group was over $40 million from WATERFRONT STRATEGIES to SMP (Senate Majority PAC). The output shows that WATERFRONT STRATEGIES also made contributions to VOTEVETS (line 15), WOMEN VOTE! (line 23), EVERYTOWN FOR GUN SAFETY VICTORY FUND (line 27), and CAROLINA BLUE (line 28). In fact, googling "WATERFRONT STRATEGIES" and OpenSecrets leads to this page which also shows contributions to these groups. To find the largest combined contributions to ALL groups, set CMTE_NM, CMTE_PTY, CAND_NAME, CAND_PTY, and CAND_ST in the "Group by" select input. Doing that and then clicking the Submit button results in the following screen:

Campaign Finance Data, 2019-2020 - Committee grouped by CMTE_NM, CMTE_PTY, CAND_NAME, CAND_PTY, CAND_SY

As can be seen, the largest combined contribution made by a committee to all groups was over $55 million by NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee). As previously mentioned, most of the FEC committee records don't indicate an associated party. You can look up information on which party a committee has supported in the past by searching for the committee at this page. It may be necessary to look up what the committee initials stand for and search for that. For example, NRSC, SMP, and AB PAC stand for National Republican Senatorial Committee, Senate Majority PAC, and American Bridge PAC. Then you can often see what party it supports by clicking on the "Party Split by Cycle" tab. If the information is not found there, it can also often be found by clicking on the "PAC to PAC/Party" or "Indpendent Expenditures" tab. There is also information on the "viewpoint" of Super PACs at this page.

In looking up the first 10 committee names in the list above, 4 give chiefly or exclusively to Republicans and 6 give chiefly or exclusively to Democrats. The 4 that give to Republicans are NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee), AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC, CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION, and SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND. Hence, it would appear that the contributions given by committees and PACs are fairly well divided between the parties. This is likewise shown by the chart on this page. The corresponding Democrat committees are the DSCC (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee). Entering each of those committees into the "Search CMTE_NM" text input and pressing the Submit button shows that the total contributions for the DSCC and DCCC are $4,192,373 and $3,724,481, respectively. Neither are linked to a candidate.

One other interesting item shown on the page above is that the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) is linked to Dan Sullivan and the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) is linked to Christopher L Jacobs. Dan Sullivan is the junior Senator from Alaska and Christopher L Jacobs is the U.S. Representative for New York's 27th congressional district. It's unclear exactly what position both hold in those committees.

3. Individual Contributions

As previously mentioned, the file that contains contributions by individuals in the 2019-2020 election cycle (downloaded on October 3rd) contained over 35 million records. The dates of those records range from 2000-06-16 to 2030-06-30. Only 14 of the records are after 2020-09-30 so it's possible that some or all of them are errors. In addition, 55 of the records contain NA (not applicable) for the date.

The data is also available in 19 separate files, ordered by date. Selecting "Individual >= 2020-0603" in the Donor select list will reference the data from 2020-0603 and later. This date was chosen because it includes the last 4 of the 19 files and begins just 3 days before Biden won the nomination on 2020-06-06. Setting the "Maximum Total Rows" input to 50 and pressing the Submit button results in the following output:

[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] "CAMPAIGN FINANCE DATA:  Individual >= 2020-06-03"
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 7,009,719"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 1,398,916,933"
[1] "MIN(TRANS_DT)   = 2020-06-03"
[1] "MAX(TRANS_DT)   = 2020-09-30"
[1] ""
                                       NAME          CITY STATE   TRANS_DT  TRANS_AMT                                  CMTE_NM CMTE_PTY             CAND_NAME CAND_PTY CAND_ST
1                           ADELSON, MIRIAM     LAS VEGAS    NV 2020-08-25 12,500,000                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
2                       ADELSON, SHELDON G.     LAS VEGAS    NV 2020-08-25 12,500,000                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
3                       ADELSON, SHELDON G.     LAS VEGAS    NV 2020-06-15 12,500,000                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
4                           ADELSON, MIRIAM     LAS VEGAS    NV 2020-06-15 12,500,000                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
5                             WARREN, KELCY        DALLAS    TX 2020-08-31 10,000,000               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
6                          UIHLEIN, RICHARD   LAKE FOREST    IL 2020-08-05 10,000,000                   CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
7              AMERICA FIRST POLICIES, INC.     ARLINGTON    VA 2020-07-20 10,000,000               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
8                           MELLON, TIMOTHY      SARATOGA    WY 2020-07-09 10,000,000                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
9                    SCHWARZMAN, STEPHEN A.      NEW YORK    NY 2020-07-01 10,000,000                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
10                                   WINRED     ARLINGTON    VA 2020-06-18  9,297,160 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
11                         MAJORITY FORWARD    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-30  8,000,000                                      SMP     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
12                      UIHLEIN, RICHARD E.   LAKE FOREST    IL 2020-08-14  6,200,000                          RESTORATION PAC     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
13           NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-16  6,000,000                        NEA ADVOCACY FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
14                      SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-30  5,700,000                             VICTORY 2020     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
15        NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTO, .       CHICAGO    IL 2020-07-30  5,000,000 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS CONGRES     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
16        NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTO, .       CHICAGO    IL 2020-08-31  5,000,000 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS CONGRES     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
17                               YASS, JEFF   BALA CYNWYD    PA 2020-08-17  5,000,000                   CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
18                               YASS, JEFF   BALA CYNWYD    PA 2020-08-04  5,000,000                   CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
19        NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTO, .       CHICAGO    IL 2020-07-08  5,000,000 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS CONGRES     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
20        NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTO, .       CHICAGO    IL 2020-07-14  5,000,000 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS CONGRES     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
21      LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS, INC.    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-07-17  5,000,000                         LCV VICTORY FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
22                   FUND FOR POLICY REFORM    WILMINGTON    DE 2020-06-23  5,000,000                            DEMOCRACY PAC     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
23             AMERICA FIRST POLICIES, INC.     ARLINGTON    VA 2020-08-21  4,500,000               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
24                      UIHLEIN, RICHARD E.   LAKE FOREST    IL 2020-06-26  4,400,000                          RESTORATION PAC     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
25                         WYNN, STEPHEN A.     LAS VEGAS    NV 2020-08-20  4,000,000                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
26                        STEYER, THOMAS F. SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-06-03  3,900,000         NEXTGEN CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
27                                   WINRED     ARLINGTON    VA 2020-06-25  3,570,579 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
28                      SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-08-13  3,500,000                               CHANGE NOW     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
29                      SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-30  3,500,000                    PRIORITIES USA ACTION     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
30                        STEYER, THOMAS F. SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-07-01  3,479,294         NEXTGEN CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
31                                   WINRED     ARLINGTON    VA 2020-06-04  3,372,767 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
32                                   WINRED     ARLINGTON    VA 2020-06-11  3,264,810 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
33                  AMERICAN ACTION NETWORK    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-30  3,000,000            CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
34                  AMERICAN ACTION NETWORK    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-25  3,000,000            CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
35                  GRIFFIN, KENNETH C. MR.       CHICAGO    IL 2020-06-15  3,000,000            CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
36                           STEYER, THOMAS SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-07-24  2,500,000                           FOR OUR FUTURE     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
37                        STEYER, THOMAS F. SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-08-14  2,500,000         NEXTGEN CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
38                         SIMONS, JAMES H.      NEW YORK    NY 2020-07-15  2,500,000                       HOUSE MAJORITY PAC     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
39                           SKOLL, JEFF S.     PALO ALTO    CA 2020-06-26  2,500,000                                      SMP     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
40                      SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-30  2,250,000                                BLACK PAC     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
42                    BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R.      NEW YORK    NY 2020-06-15  2,100,000                MIKE BLOOMBERG 2020, INC.      DEM BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R.      DEM      NY
43        ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE ACTION FUND    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-08-31  2,000,000                         EDF ACTION VOTES     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
44                       HENDRICKS, DIANE M         AFTON    WI 2020-08-06  2,000,000               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
45                      UIHLEIN, RICHARD E.   LAKE FOREST    IL 2020-07-23  2,000,000                          RESTORATION PAC     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
46                      UIHLEIN, RICHARD E.   LAKE FOREST    IL 2020-08-07  2,000,000                      WOMEN SPEAK OUT PAC     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
47                           PRIORITIES USA    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-07-31  2,000,000                    PRIORITIES USA ACTION     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
48      LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS, INC.    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-08-24  2,000,000                         LCV VICTORY FUND     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
49                        STEYER, THOMAS F. SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-07-31  2,000,000         NEXTGEN CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
50                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     WARRENTON    VA 2020-07-09  2,000,000                               PLAINS PAC     (NA)                  (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
As can be seen, the largest individual contributions since 2020-06-03 has been 4 contributions of $12.5 million each from Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam to the Senate Leadership Fund. According to
Wikipedia, Sheldon Adelson is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Las Vegas Sands Corporation. Also, going to this page and selecting the "Party Split by Cycle" tab shows that the Senate Leadership Fund spends most of its funds opposing Democrats.

The above list shows the top contributions made by individuals. As can be seen, some individuals made multiple contributions to the same group. It's possible to aggregate these multiple contributions by selecting NAME, CITY, STATE, CMTE_NM, and CMTE_PTY in the "Group by" select input. Doing that and then clicking the Submit button results in the following output:

[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] "CAMPAIGN FINANCE DATA:  Individual >= 2020-06-03"
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 2,030,456"
[1] "TOT(COUNT)      = 7,009,719"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 1,398,916,933"
[1] ""
                                       NAME          CITY STATE                                  CMTE_NM CMTE_PTY COUNT  TRANS_AMT
1                                    WINRED     ARLINGTON    VA TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)    20 36,475,665
2                       ADELSON, SHELDON G.     LAS VEGAS    NV                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)     2 25,000,000
3                           ADELSON, MIRIAM     LAS VEGAS    NV                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)     2 25,000,000
5              AMERICA FIRST POLICIES, INC.     ARLINGTON    VA               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)     5 14,755,437
6                       UIHLEIN, RICHARD E.   LAKE FOREST    IL                          RESTORATION PAC     (NA)     3 12,600,000
7                         STEYER, THOMAS F. SAN FRANCISCO    CA         NEXTGEN CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE     (NA)     4 11,879,294
8                             WARREN, KELCY        DALLAS    TX               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)     1 10,000,000
9                          UIHLEIN, RICHARD   LAKE FOREST    IL                   CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION     (NA)     1 10,000,000
10                               YASS, JEFF   BALA CYNWYD    PA                   CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION     (NA)     2 10,000,000
11                          MELLON, TIMOTHY      SARATOGA    WY                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)     1 10,000,000
12                   SCHWARZMAN, STEPHEN A.      NEW YORK    NY                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)     1 10,000,000
13      LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS, INC.    WASHINGTON    DC                         LCV VICTORY FUND     (NA)     3  9,000,000
14                         MAJORITY FORWARD    WASHINGTON    DC                                      SMP     (NA)     1  8,000,000
15                  AMERICAN ACTION NETWORK    WASHINGTON    DC            CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)     4  7,135,675
16           NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION    WASHINGTON    DC                        NEA ADVOCACY FUND     (NA)     1  6,000,000
17                      SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC                             VICTORY 2020     (NA)     1  5,700,000
18                    BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R.      NEW YORK    NY                MIKE BLOOMBERG 2020, INC.      DEM     7  5,056,296
19                      SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC                               CHANGE NOW     (NA)     5  5,032,674
20                   FUND FOR POLICY REFORM    WILMINGTON    DE                            DEMOCRACY PAC     (NA)     1  5,000,000
21 NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PO       FAIRFAX    VA                   NRA VICTORY FUND, INC.     (NA)     6  4,500,000
22                         WYNN, STEPHEN A.     LAS VEGAS    NV                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)     1  4,000,000
23     NRA INSTITUTE FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION       FAIRFAX    VA                   NRA VICTORY FUND, INC.     (NA)     7  3,900,000
24                           PRIORITIES USA    WASHINGTON    DC                    PRIORITIES USA ACTION     (NA)     3  3,763,313
25                      SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC                    PRIORITIES USA ACTION     (NA)     1  3,500,000
26                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     WARRENTON    VA                               PLAINS PAC     (NA)     4  3,350,000
27        ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE ACTION FUND    WASHINGTON    DC                         EDF ACTION VOTES     (NA)     7  3,069,824
29                         DUGGAN, PATRICIA    CLEARWATER    FL               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)     2  3,000,000
30                  GRIFFIN, KENNETH C. MR.       CHICAGO    IL            CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)     1  3,000,000
31 GREATER NEW YORK HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION MA      NEW YORK    NY                                      SMP     (NA)     2  3,000,000
32                           STEYER, THOMAS SAN FRANCISCO    CA                           FOR OUR FUTURE     (NA)     1  2,500,000
33                         SIMONS, JAMES H.      NEW YORK    NY                       HOUSE MAJORITY PAC     (NA)     1  2,500,000
34                           SKOLL, JEFF S.     PALO ALTO    CA                                      SMP     (NA)     1  2,500,000
35                      SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC                                BLACK PAC     (NA)     1  2,250,000
37                       HENDRICKS, DIANE M         AFTON    WI               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)     1  2,000,000
38                      UIHLEIN, RICHARD E.   LAKE FOREST    IL                      WOMEN SPEAK OUT PAC     (NA)     1  2,000,000
39                      SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC                                 PACRONYM     (NA)     1  2,000,000
40                   AFSCME SPECIAL ACCOUNT    WASHINGTON    DC                           FOR OUR FUTURE     (NA)     1  2,000,000
41                        PENNER, CARRIE W.   BENTONVILLE    AR                                      SMP     (NA)     1  2,000,000
42                            SIMONS, JAMES      NEW YORK    NY                    PRIORITIES USA ACTION     (NA)     1  2,000,000
43                          CAMERON, RONALD   LITTLE ROCK    AR AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY ACTION, INC.(AF     (NA)     1  2,000,000
44                        SKOLL, JEFFREY S.     PALO ALTO    CA                    PRIORITIES USA ACTION     (NA)     1  2,000,000
45                            DEMOCRACY PAC    WASHINGTON    DC                       HOUSE MAJORITY PAC     (NA)     1  2,000,000
46                               YASS, JEFF  BALA CYNWYND    PA PROTECT FREEDOM POLITICAL ACTION COMMITT     (NA)     3  2,000,000
47                      PALMER, GEOFFREY H. BEVERLY HILLS    CA               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)     1  2,000,000
48 LABORERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH A    WASHINGTON    DC                       HOUSE MAJORITY PAC     (NA)     1  2,000,000
49  WORKING FOR WORKING AMERICANS - FEDERAL     LAS VEGAS    NV                       HOUSE MAJORITY PAC     (NA)     2  2,000,000
50                     DUCHOSSOIS, CRAIG J.       CHICAGO    IL                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)     1  1,966,500
As can be seen, the top total contribution by an "individual" to a single group since 2020-06-03 is over $36 million by WINRED to TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE. According to Wikipedia, WinRed is "an American Republican Party (GOP) fundraising platform endorsed by the Republican National Committee" meant to "compete with the Democratic Party's success in online grassroots fundraising with their platform ActBlue". Hence, it's likely listed with the individual contributions since it is a combination of individual contributions. In any case, it's possible to look at the largest individual contributors, along with their employer and occupation by selecting NAME, CITY, STATE, EMPLOYER, and OCCUPATIONS in the "Group by" select input. Doing that and then clicking the Submit button results in the following output:
[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] "CAMPAIGN FINANCE DATA:  Individual >= 2020-06-03"
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 1,661,062"
[1] "TOT(COUNT)      = 7,009,719"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 1,398,916,933"
[1] ""
                                       NAME          CITY STATE                    EMPLOYER                OCCUPATION COUNT  TRANS_AMT  PARTY
1                                    WINRED     ARLINGTON    VA                        (NA)                      (NA)   210 36,501,753   
2                       ADELSON, SHELDON G.     LAS VEGAS    NV LAS VEGAS SANDS CORPORATION          CHAIRMAN AND CEO     2 25,000,000    Rep
3                           ADELSON, MIRIAM     LAS VEGAS    NV         ADELSON DRUG CLINIC                 PHYSICIAN     2 25,000,000    Rep
4                       SIXTEEN THIRTY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)    13 21,782,674   
5         NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTO, .       CHICAGO    IL                 CORPORATION                       N/A     7 20,005,656   
6              AMERICA FIRST POLICIES, INC.     ARLINGTON    VA                        (NA)                      (NA)     5 14,755,437   
7                       UIHLEIN, RICHARD E.   LAKE FOREST    IL                       ULINE                       CEO     3 12,600,000    Rep
8                         STEYER, THOMAS F. SAN FRANCISCO    CA                   FAHR, LLC                   FOUNDER     4 11,879,294  * Dem
9                                YASS, JEFF   BALA CYNWYD    PA                         SIG         MANAGING DIRECTOR     3 10,002,800    Rep
10                            WARREN, KELCY        DALLAS    TX             ENERGY TRANSFER                  CHAIRMAN     1 10,000,000    Rep
11                         UIHLEIN, RICHARD   LAKE FOREST    IL                       ULINE                 CEO/OWNER     1 10,000,000    Rep ^
12                          MELLON, TIMOTHY      SARATOGA    WY               SELF-EMPLOYED               INVESTMENTS     1 10,000,000    Rep
13                   SCHWARZMAN, STEPHEN A.      NEW YORK    NY                  BLACKSTONE            CHAIRMAN & CEO     1 10,000,000    Rep
14      LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS, INC.    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     3  9,000,000   
15                         MAJORITY FORWARD    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     1  8,000,000   
16                  AMERICAN ACTION NETWORK    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     4  7,135,675   
17           NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION    WASHINGTON    DC                         NEA            NOT APPLICABLE     1  6,000,000   
18                    BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R.      NEW YORK    NY              BLOOMBERG INC.                   FOUNDER     8  5,058,817  * Dem
19                   FUND FOR POLICY REFORM    WILMINGTON    DE                        (NA)                      (NA)     1  5,000,000   
20                         WYNN, STEPHEN A.     LAS VEGAS    NV                  VALMORE GP      RETIRED/ENTREPRENEUR     2  5,000,000    Rep
21 NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PO       FAIRFAX    VA                        (NA)                      (NA)     6  4,500,000   
22                            DEMOCRACY PAC    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     5  4,000,000   
23     NRA INSTITUTE FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION       FAIRFAX    VA                        (NA)                      (NA)     7  3,900,000   
24                           PRIORITIES USA    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     4  3,863,313   
25                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     WARRENTON    VA                        (NA)                      (NA)     4  3,350,000   
26        ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE ACTION FUND    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     7  3,069,824   
27 PATRICIA J DUGGAN TTEE PATRICIA DUGGAN R    CLEARWATER    FL                        (NA)                      (NA)     2  3,000,000    Rep
28                         DUGGAN, PATRICIA    CLEARWATER    FL               SELF-EMPLOYED               INVESTMENTS     2  3,000,000    Rep ^
29                  GRIFFIN, KENNETH C. MR.       CHICAGO    IL    CITADEL ASSET MANAGEMENT   CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER     1  3,000,000    Rep
30 GREATER NEW YORK HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION MA      NEW YORK    NY                        (NA)                      (NA)     2  3,000,000   
31                       AFT SOLIDARITY 527    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     4  2,600,000   
32                           STEYER, THOMAS SAN FRANCISCO    CA                    FAHR LLC PHILANTHROPY AND ADVOCACY     1  2,500,000  * Dem ^
33                         SIMONS, JAMES H.      NEW YORK    NY           EUCLIDEAN CAPITAL                 PRESIDENT     1  2,500,000  * Dem
34                           SKOLL, JEFF S.     PALO ALTO    CA               GOODLANDS LLC                     OWNER     1  2,500,000  * Dem
35                            SIMONS, JAMES      NEW YORK    NY           EUCLIDEAN CAPITAL            PHILANTHROPIST     2  2,357,800  * Dem ^
36                             SINGER, PAUL        BOSTON    MA                         EMC                 PRESIDENT     5  2,252,000    Rep
37 UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOI    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     1  2,214,068   
38                       HENDRICKS, DIANE M         AFTON    WI   HENDRICKS HOLDING CO. INC                     CHAIR     1  2,000,000    Rep
39                      UIHLEIN, RICHARD E.   LAKE FOREST    IL                       ULINE                     OWNER     1  2,000,000    Rep ^
40                   AFSCME SPECIAL ACCOUNT    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     1  2,000,000   
41                        PENNER, CARRIE W.   BENTONVILLE    AR               SELF-EMPLOYED                 EDUCATION     1  2,000,000  * Dem
42                              SABAN, HAIM   LOS ANGELES    CA         SABAN ENTERTAINMENT                       CEO     2  2,000,000  * Dem
43                          CAMERON, RONALD   LITTLE ROCK    AR      MOUNT AIRE CORPORATION                  CHAIRMAN     1  2,000,000    Rep
44                        SKOLL, JEFFREY S.     PALO ALTO    CA        GOODLANDS MANAGEMENT                     OWNER     1  2,000,000  * Dem ^
45                               YASS, JEFF  BALA CYNWYND    PA                         SIG                    TRADER     3  2,000,000    Rep ^
46                      PALMER, GEOFFREY H. BEVERLY HILLS    CA     G. H. PALMER ASSOCIATES   REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT     1  2,000,000    Rep
47 LABORERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH A    WASHINGTON    DC                        (NA)                      (NA)     1  2,000,000   
48  WORKING FOR WORKING AMERICANS - FEDERAL     LAS VEGAS    NV                        (NA)                      (NA)     2  2,000,000   
49                     DUCHOSSOIS, CRAIG J.       CHICAGO    IL   THE DUCHOSSOIS GROUP INC.                       CEO     1  1,966,500    Rep
50            CALIFORNIA NURSES ASSOCIATION       OAKLAND    CA                        (NA)                      (NA)     1  1,500,000
* Democrat
^ duplicate name
The far-right column was generated by looking up the chief party that the individuals support on this page. It shows that all of the individuals down to number 18, Michael Bloomberg, are conservative contributors except for number 8, Tom Steyer. These include Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, Richard Uihlein, Jeff Yass, Kelcy Warren, Timothy Mellon, and Stephen Schwarzman. Even following Michael Bloomberg, 8 out of 12 of the individuals not previously mentioned are conservative contributors. These include Stephen Wynn, Patricia Duggan, Kenneth Griffin, Paul Singer, Diane Henricks, Ronald Cameron, Geoffrey Palmer, and Craig Duchossois. The 4 liberal contributors are James Simons, Jeff S. Skoll, Carrie Penner, and Haim Saban. Hence, in summary, 15 of the 21 individuals listed above are conservative contributors.

Also visible is that most of the large contributors are investors or founders, owners, and/or top executives at large companies. Note that there is some duplication of names (marked by ^). For example, Richard Uihlein is listed on lines 7, 11, and 39. The duplication is caused by differences in the occupation listed (CEO, CEO/OWNER, and OWNER) and the missing middle initial on line 11.

It's possible to look at the committees receiving the largest total contributions by selecting CMTE_NM, CMTE_PTY, CAND_NAME, CAND_PTY, and CAND_ST in the "Group by" select input. Doing that and then clicking the Submit button results in the following output:

[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] "CAMPAIGN FINANCE DATA:  Individual >= 2020-06-03"
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 4,627"
[1] "TOT(COUNT)      = 7,009,719"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 1,398,916,933"
[1] ""
                                    CMTE_NM CMTE_PTY              CAND_NAME CAND_PTY CAND_ST     COUNT   TRANS_AMT  PARTY
1                                   ACTBLUE     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA) 1,899,588 190,263,325  * Dem (1)
2                                    WINRED     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA) 1,579,401 101,008,741    Rep (1)
3                    SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       170  93,575,650    Rep
4                       BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT      DEM     BIDEN, JOSEPH R JR      DEM      PA   528,740  57,090,218  * Dem
5  TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)    93,550  54,558,265    Rep
6                        BIDEN VICTORY FUND     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)    10,857  50,902,337  * Dem
7                                       SMP     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)    25,744  49,111,078  * Dem
8                AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     4,397  41,581,408    Rep
9             REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE      REP                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)   315,745  28,857,307    Rep (4)
10                                     NRSC      REP          SULLIVAN, DAN      REP      AK   213,113  25,899,199    Rep (2)
11                   CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       188  22,966,525    Rep
12      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP       TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY    98,712  21,180,750    Rep
13 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS CONGRES     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)        10  20,014,054    Rep/Dem (2/1)
14                    PRIORITIES USA ACTION     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       216  16,477,370  * Dem
15                         LCV VICTORY FUND     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       488  16,254,974  * Dem
16                            TRUMP VICTORY     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       775  16,012,359    Rep
17            CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       242  15,868,923    Rep
18                       HOUSE MAJORITY PAC     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     9,293  15,815,634  * Dem
19                                     DSCC      DEM                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)    72,059  14,910,404  * Dem (2)
20                                     DCCC      DEM                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)   130,936  13,493,281  * Dem (3)
21         NEXTGEN CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)        68  13,346,307  * Dem
22 AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY ACTION, INC.(AF     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       180  12,929,071    Rep
23                          RESTORATION PAC     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)        24  12,804,771    Rep
24 DNC SERVICES CORP / DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL       DEM                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)    69,469  12,352,839  * Dem (4)
25                        BIDEN ACTION FUND     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       133  10,468,653  * Dem
26                                     NRCC      REP JACOBS, CHRISTOPHER L.      REP      NY   135,579  10,425,408    Rep (3)
27              DEMOCRACY ENGINE, INC., PAC     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     5,072   9,855,594  * Dem
28                   NRA VICTORY FUND, INC.     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)        17   8,460,000    Rep
29                        UNITE THE COUNTRY     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       277   6,598,319  * Dem
30                      THE LINCOLN PROJECT     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)    16,665   6,331,149  * Dem
31                               CHANGE NOW     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)         9   6,208,850  * Dem
32                        NEA ADVOCACY FUND     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)         1   6,000,000  * Dem
33                             VICTORY 2020     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)        60   5,917,750  * Dem
34                                   AB PAC     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       172   5,578,191  * Dem
35                            DEMOCRACY PAC     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)         2   5,170,000  * Dem
36                                   FF PAC     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)         7   5,137,288  * Dem
37                MIKE BLOOMBERG 2020, INC.      DEM  BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R.      DEM      NY         8   5,056,466  * Dem
38                      WOMEN SPEAK OUT PAC     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       343   4,983,060    Rep
39                         EDF ACTION VOTES     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       379   4,926,059  * Dem
40                           FOR OUR FUTURE     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)        12   4,503,068  * Dem
41                    MARK KELLY FOR SENATE      DEM            KELLY, MARK      DEM      AZ    30,941   4,189,268  * Dem
42              HOLD THE HOUSE VICTORY FUND     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       176   4,109,883  * Dem
43                  FORWARD MAJORITY ACTION     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       276   3,433,909  * Dem
44                               PLAINS PAC     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)         6   3,370,000    Rep
45                                 VOTEVETS     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       967   3,255,917  * Dem
46                   MCSALLY FOR SENATE INC      REP        MCSALLY, MARTHA      REP      AZ    32,660   3,192,967    Rep
47 LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS ACTION FUN     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       183   3,116,633  * Dem
48                              WOMEN VOTE!     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)        53   3,108,944  * Dem
49                                 PACRONYM     (NA)                   (NA)     (NA)    (NA)        64   3,041,902  * Dem
50               MCCONNELL SENATE COMMITTEE      REP       MCCONNELL, MITCH      REP      KY    30,972   3,038,395    Rep
The far-right column was generated by looking up the committee's viewpoint on this page or this page. The "Rep/Dem (2/1)" on line 13 indicates that the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS CONGRES... gave contributions to Republicans and Democrats in about a 2 to 1 ratio. The list shows that unlike the top individual contributors, the top committees to which they gave were fairly evenly split between Democrats and Republicans or possibly even favoring Democrats. The numbers to the right of some party names indicated committees with similar functions in the two main parties. ACTBLUE and WINRED (1) are broad committees for individual contributions, NRSC and DSCC (2) are associated with the Senate, NRCC and DCCC (3) are associated with the House, and the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE and DNC SERVICES CORP / DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL (4) are national committees.

It's possible to look at the candidates receiving the largest total contributions by selecting CAND_NAME, CAND_PTY, amd CAND_ST in the "Group by" select input. Doing that and then clicking the Submit button results in the following output:

[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] "CAMPAIGN FINANCE DATA:  Individual >= 2020-06-03"
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 1,474"
[1] "TOT(COUNT)      = 7,009,719"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 1,398,916,933"
[1] ""
1                    (NA)     (NA)    (NA) 5,444,369 1,125,527,496
2      BIDEN, JOSEPH R JR      DEM      PA   528,740    57,090,218
3           SULLIVAN, DAN      REP      AK   214,343    26,721,747
4        TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY    98,712    21,180,750
5  JACOBS, CHRISTOPHER L.      REP      NY   135,890    10,575,186
6   BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R.      DEM      NY         8     5,056,466
7             KELLY, MARK      DEM      AZ    30,941     4,189,268
8         MCSALLY, MARTHA      REP      AZ    32,711     3,308,353
9        MCCONNELL, MITCH      REP      KY    31,016     3,257,099
10        HARRISON, JAIME      DEM      SC    24,423     2,966,921
11      SCALISE, STEVE MR      REP      LA    26,981     2,707,922
12           MCGRATH, AMY      DEM      KY    18,137     2,580,843
13           GIDEON, SARA      DEM      ME    10,296     2,478,832
14        CUNNINGHAM, CAL      DEM      NC     6,152     2,075,217
15    GREENFIELD, THERESA      DEM      IA     4,425     1,832,852
16           PETERS, GARY      DEM      MI     9,900     1,801,269
17  KENNEDY, JOSEPH P III      DEM      MA     2,515     1,685,248
18         BULLOCK, STEVE      DEM      MT     4,076     1,652,665
19 MARKEY, EDWARD J. SEN.      DEM      MA     9,046     1,541,932
20     GRAHAM, LINDSEY O.      REP      SC    10,366     1,489,375
21       BOLLIER, BARBARA      DEM      KS     3,737     1,470,905
22        SHAHEEN, JEANNE      DEM      NH    12,211     1,452,480
23  HICKENLOOPER, JOHN W.      DEM      CO     4,688     1,433,147
24       CORNYN, JOHN SEN      REP      TX     7,981     1,347,774
25          PERDUE, DAVID      REP      GA     1,271     1,326,992
26    OSSOFF, T. JONATHAN      DEM      GA     2,818     1,250,793
27      COLLINS, SUSAN M.      REP      ME     3,941     1,236,037
28        MCCARTHY, KEVIN      REP      CA     9,302     1,192,171
29          GARDNER, CORY      REP      CO     4,366     1,137,246
30   MELTON-MEAUX, ANTONE      DFL      MN     1,209     1,095,838
31          GROSS, AL DR.      IND      AK     2,133     1,091,094
32        ENGEL, ELIOT L.      DEM    (NA)     1,172     1,084,863
33     RIGGS AMICO, SARAH      DEM      GA        21       926,760
34          DAINES, STEVE      REP      MT     3,107       905,343
35        BOOKER, CHARLES      DEM      KY     3,880       901,144
36          ERNST, JONI K      REP      IA     4,187       745,344
37        NUNES, DEVIN G.      REP      CA     9,676       744,433
38       WARNOCK, RAPHAEL      DEM      GA     2,146       738,846
39        LECKEY, IHSSANE      DEM      MA       207       734,783
40   TILLIS, THOM R. SEN.      REP      NC     3,363       713,569
41            JONES, DOUG      DEM      AL     3,534       687,498
42            SMITH, TINA      DEM      MN     4,835       682,958
43          HAGERTY, BILL      REP      TN       476       658,413
44  COONS, CHRISTOPHER A.      DEM      DE       970       635,069
45          PELOSI, NANCY      DEM    (NA)     8,447       610,401
46        STEEL, MICHELLE      REP      CA       355       598,618
47       SETHI, DR. MANNY      REP      TN       811       587,649
48         GERSHON, PERRY      DEM      NY       179       567,660
49        SLOTKIN, ELISSA      DEM      MI     2,048       556,436
50         BOWMAN, JAMAAL      DEM      NY     2,351       546,248
As can be seen, the largest portion of contributions went to NA (not applicable) which is linked to no specific candidate. At over $57 million, Biden has received a good amount more in individual contributions than Trump since 2020-06-03. As previously mentioned, DAN SULLIVAN is chiefly associated with contributions to the NRSC and CHRISTOPHER JACOBS is chiefly associated with contributions to the NRCC. After that are visible some of the top candidates in Senate elections like MARK KELLY (D) and MARTHA MCSALLY (R) in Arizona, MITCH MCCONNELL (R) and AMY MCGRATH (D) in Kentucky, JAIME HARRISON (D) and LINDSEY GRAHAM (R) in South Carolina, SARA GIDEON (D) and SUSAN COLLINS (R) in Maine.

4. Committee to Committee Transactions

Selecting "Com2Com" in the Donor select list will reference all of the committee to committee transfers from the 2019 to 2920 election cycle. This data is described on this page as follows:

The itemized records (miscellaneous transactions) file contains all transactions (contributions, transfers, etc. among federal committees). It contains all data in the itemized committee contributions file plus PAC contributions to party committees, party transfers from state committee to state committee, and party transfers from national committee to state committee. This file only includes federal transfers not soft money transactions.

Setting "Maximum Total Rows" to 50 and then clicking the Submit button results in the following output:

[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 1,836,154"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 4,290,552,061"
[1] "MIN(TRANS_DT)   = 2001-02-01"
[1] "MAX(TRANS_DT)   = 2020-10-08"
[1] "NA(TRANS_DT)    = 1,056"
[1] ""
                                       NAME          CITY STATE   TRANS_DT  TRANS_AMT                                  CMTE_NM CMTE_PTY                      CAND_NAME CAND_PTY CAND_ST
3  TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE      NEW YORK    NY 2020-07-31 22,029,618      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
4       DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY 2019-12-31 21,657,939 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
5  TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE      NEW YORK    NY 2019-12-31 21,657,939      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
6       DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY 2019-09-30 20,608,351 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
7  TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE       BEVERLY    MA 2019-09-30 20,608,351      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
8                       MIKE BLOOMBERG 2020      NEW YORK    NY 2020-03-13 18,000,000 DNC SERVICES CORP / DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL       DEM                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
9   DNC SERVICES CORP./DEM. NAT'L COMMITTEE    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-03-13 18,000,000                MIKE BLOOMBERG 2020, INC.      DEM          BLOOMBERG, MICHAEL R.      DEM      NY
10                              STEYER, TOM SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-02-29 16,311,360                          TOM STEYER 2020      DEM                    STEYER, TOM      DEM      CA
11      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY 2019-03-08 15,195,074 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
12 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE       BEVERLY    MA 2019-03-08 15,195,074      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
13                            TRUMP VICTORY       BEVERLY    MA 2020-07-31 14,401,974            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
14 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE      NEW YORK    NY 2020-07-15 12,828,405      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
15      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY 2020-06-30 12,457,529 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
16 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE      NEW YORK    NY 2020-06-30 12,457,529      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
17      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY 2020-06-15 11,054,018 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
18 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE      NEW YORK    NY 2020-06-15 11,054,018      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
19      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY 2020-05-31 10,338,991 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
20 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE      NEW YORK    NY 2020-05-31 10,338,991      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
21                      DELANEY, JOHN KEVIN       POTOMAC    MD 2019-03-28 10,000,000                  FRIENDS OF JOHN DELANEY      DEM               DELANEY, JOHN K.      DEM      MD
22                                 AL MEDIA       CHICAGO    IL 2020-02-27  9,584,400                              PERSIST PAC     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
23                          GILLIBRAND 2020    WASHINGTON    DC 2019-01-16  9,500,000                    GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE      DEM            GILLIBRAND, KIRSTEN      DEM      DC
24                    GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE    WASHINGTON    DC 2019-01-16  9,500,000                          GILLIBRAND 2020      DEM            GILLIBRAND, KIRSTEN      DEM      DC
25                      DELANEY, JOHN KEVIN       POTOMAC    MD 2019-04-02  9,000,000                  FRIENDS OF JOHN DELANEY      DEM               DELANEY, JOHN K.      DEM      MD
26                              STEYER, TOM SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-02-19  8,572,690                          TOM STEYER 2020      DEM                    STEYER, TOM      DEM      CA
27                              STEYER, TOM SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-02-29  8,572,690                          TOM STEYER 2020      DEM                    STEYER, TOM      DEM      CA
28      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY 2019-06-30  8,439,118 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
29 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE       BEVERLY    MA 2019-06-30  8,439,118      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
30            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-03-31  7,514,084                            TRUMP VICTORY     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
31                            TRUMP VICTORY       BEVERLY    MA 2020-03-31  7,514,084            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
32                              STEYER, TOM SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-01-31  7,508,648                          TOM STEYER 2020      DEM                    STEYER, TOM      DEM      CA
33                              STEYER, TOM SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-01-31  7,500,000                          TOM STEYER 2020      DEM                    STEYER, TOM      DEM      CA
34                              STEYER, TOM SAN FRANCISCO    CA 2020-01-31  7,500,000                          TOM STEYER 2020      DEM                    STEYER, TOM      DEM      CA
35                     WARREN FOR PRESIDENT       FOXBORO    MA 2019-01-02  7,000,000                   WARREN DEMOCRATS, INC.      DEM              WARREN, ELIZABETH      DEM      MA
36                   ELIZABETH FOR MA, INC.        BOSTON    MA 2019-01-02  7,000,000               WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      DEM              WARREN, ELIZABETH      DEM      MA
37                      DELANEY, JOHN KEVIN       POTOMAC    MD 2019-06-28  7,000,000                  FRIENDS OF JOHN DELANEY      DEM               DELANEY, JOHN K.      DEM      MD
38 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE      NEW YORK    NY 2019-12-31  6,979,954      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
39            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-04-30  6,400,000 COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE 2020 R      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
40 COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE 2020 R    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-04-30  6,400,000            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
41            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-30  6,301,420                            TRUMP VICTORY     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
42                            TRUMP VICTORY       BEVERLY    MA 2020-06-30  6,301,420            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
43            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE    WASHINGTON    DC 2020-05-29  6,001,127                            TRUMP VICTORY     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
44                            TRUMP VICTORY       BEVERLY    MA 2020-05-29  6,001,127            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
45                      DELANEY, JOHN KEVIN       POTOMAC    MD 2019-07-10  6,000,000                  FRIENDS OF JOHN DELANEY      DEM               DELANEY, JOHN K.      DEM      MD
46            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE    WASHINGTON    DC 2019-08-29  5,997,579                            TRUMP VICTORY     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
47                            TRUMP VICTORY       BEVERLY    MA 2019-08-29  5,997,579            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
48      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY 2020-04-30  5,925,134 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
49 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE      NEW YORK    NY 2020-04-30  5,925,134      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY
50      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY 2019-06-13  5,888,564 TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
As can be seen, there are a number of large contributions to the a committee named "COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAN TAXATION IS THEFT" for the Libertarian candidate, Dan Behrman. There's also a number of contributions in 2019 and early 2020 to the "TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE" and "DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC." committees and to Democrats who were running for the Democrat nomination. If desired, these can be filtered out using the "Date range" input.

Also, the header information for the list show that the data contains 1,836,154 records for a total of over $4 billion between the dates of 2001-02-01 and 2020-10-08. This compares with 259,755 records for a total of nearly $1 billion between the dates of 2015-05-07 and 2020-10-01 for the committee contribution data referenced in section 2 above. Hence, it does seem possible that this data includes all of the committee contribution data as described in the above statement that "[i]t contains all data in the itemized committee contributions file". This can be further tested by setting the "Search NAME" input to WATERFRONT STRATEGIES and clicking the Submit button. Following are the first 20 resulting lines:

[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 172"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 71,641,938"
[1] "MIN(TRANS_DT)   = 2019-04-09"
[1] "MAX(TRANS_DT)   = 2020-08-27"
[1] "NA(TRANS_DT)    = 1,056"
[1] ""
                        NAME       CITY STATE   TRANS_DT TRANS_AMT                                  CMTE_NM CMTE_PTY CAND_NAME CAND_PTY CAND_ST
1      WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-02-18 3,312,000                            CAROLINA BLUE     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
3      WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-02-06 2,682,856                                 VOTEVETS     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
4      WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-02-06 2,551,906                                 VOTEVETS     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
5      WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-08-20 2,206,261                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
7      WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-02-14 1,563,402                                 VOTEVETS     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
8      WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-03-23 1,491,606                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
9      WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-08 1,476,119                         LCV VICTORY FUND     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
10     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-08-21 1,436,034                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
11     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-02-24 1,431,031                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
12     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-04-17 1,412,662                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
13     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-04-02 1,280,026                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
14     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-03-10 1,273,778                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
15     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-08-04 1,216,848                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
17     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-25 1,163,517                                 VOTEVETS     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
18     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-08-20 1,127,943                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
19     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-15 1,014,421                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
20     WATERFRONT STRATEGIES WASHINGTON    DC 2020-06-17 1,014,421                                      SMP     (NA)      (NA)     (NA)    (NA)
As can be seen, these include all of the contributions from WATERFRONT STRATEGIES shown in the first two screens in Section 2, Committee Contributions above. In any case, it's possible to aggregate these multiple contributions by selecting NAME, CITY, STATE, CMTE_NM, and CMTE_PTY in the "Group by" select input. Doing that and then clicking the Submit button results in the following output:
[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 642,136"
[1] "TOT(COUNT)      = 1,836,154"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 4,290,552,061"
[1] ""
                                       NAME          CITY STATE                                  CMTE_NM CMTE_PTY COUNT   TRANS_AMT
3                             TRUMP VICTORY       BEVERLY    MA            REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE      REP    36 107,950,858
4             REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE    WASHINGTON    DC                            TRUMP VICTORY     (NA)    33  88,547,905
5                               STEYER, TOM SAN FRANCISCO    CA                          TOM STEYER 2020      DEM    11  71,434,076
6                       DELANEY, JOHN KEVIN       POTOMAC    MD                  FRIENDS OF JOHN DELANEY      DEM    55  55,495,000
10                    WATERFRONT STRATEGIES    WASHINGTON    DC                                      SMP     (NA)    92  40,878,765
13                            TRUMP VICTORY       BEVERLY    MA      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP    17  27,740,553
14                        DEL RAY MEDIA LLC    ALEXANDRIA    VA               AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)    38  26,217,067
15      DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      NEW YORK    NY                            TRUMP VICTORY     (NA)    15  24,623,258
16                DE LA FUENTE, ROQUE ROCKY     SAN DIEGO    CA                            ROCKY 101 LLC      REP     7  21,988,942
17                                     DCCC    WASHINGTON    DC                NANCY PELOSI VICTORY FUND     (NA)    55  19,672,299
18                                     NRCC    WASHINGTON    DC                 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE 2020     (NA)    49  19,521,207
19                 TAKE BACK THE HOUSE 2020      BETHESDA    MD                                     NRCC      REP    47  19,475,679
20              TARGETED PLATFORM MEDIA LLC     ANNAPOLIS    MD                    PRIORITIES USA ACTION     (NA)    86  19,333,000
21                      MIKE BLOOMBERG 2020      NEW YORK    NY DNC SERVICES CORP / DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL       DEM     1  18,000,000
22  DNC SERVICES CORP./DEM. NAT'L COMMITTEE    WASHINGTON    DC                MIKE BLOOMBERG 2020, INC.      DEM     1  18,000,000
23                  TARGET ENTERPRISES, LLC  SHERMAN OAKS    CA                   CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION     (NA)   153  17,789,125
25                          LOEFFLER, KELLY       ATLANTA    GA             GEORGIANS FOR KELLY LOEFFLER      REP     3  15,000,000
26                       OLD TOWN MEDIA LLC    ALEXANDRIA    VA                        UNITE THE COUNTRY     (NA)    24  14,830,934
27                                 AL MEDIA       CHICAGO    IL                              PERSIST PAC     (NA)     5  14,785,834
29                     WARREN FOR PRESIDENT       FOXBORO    MA                   WARREN DEMOCRATS, INC.      DEM    10  11,838,375
30                   MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES        TOWSON    MD                   SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)    21  11,821,480
31                            AMPLIFY MEDIA       CHICAGO    IL                                   AB PAC     (NA)    17  11,812,627
32                    SMART MEDIA GROUP LLC    ALEXANDRIA    VA                                     NRSC      REP     8  10,986,834
34                   ELIZABETH FOR MA, INC.        BOSTON    MA               WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      DEM     3  10,520,000
35                         FLEX POINT MEDIA    NEW ALBANY    OH                                     NRSC      REP    23  10,140,316
37                            DEMOCRACY PAC    WASHINGTON    DC                                      SMP     (NA)     4  10,000,000
38                NANCY PELOSI VICTORY FUND    WASHINGTON    DC                                     DCCC      DEM    27   9,981,200
40                   VENTURA MEDIA PARTNERS  SHERMAN OAKS    AA                   CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION     (NA)    17   9,750,000
41                          GILLIBRAND 2020    WASHINGTON    DC                    GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE      DEM     4   9,623,215
42                    GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE    WASHINGTON    DC                          GILLIBRAND 2020      DEM     4   9,623,215
43                   LOCKWOOD STRATEGY LABS    WASHINGTON    DC                                 PACRONYM     (NA)    97   9,600,661
44                           NATIONAL MEDIA    ALEXANDRIA    VA                                     NRSC      REP    10   9,441,399
45                           SEIU COPE FUND    WASHINGTON    DC 1199 SERVICE EMPLOYEES INT'L UNION FEDER     (NA)     6   9,377,272
46                                 VOTEVETS      PORTLAND    OR                                      SMP     (NA)    12   9,098,667
47                         NEBO MEDIA, INC.     ARLINGTON    VA                          RESTORATION PAC     (NA)     7   9,055,428
48            WORKING FOR WORKING AMERICANS     LAS VEGAS    NV                                      SMP     (NA)     6   9,000,000
49                    WATERFRONT STRATEGIES    WASHINGTON    DC                                 VOTEVETS     (NA)    10   8,941,344
50                         STOP REPUBLICANS       CHICAGO    IL              PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT     (NA)    10   8,805,000
As can be seen, the top 4 total transactions involve contributors or recipients associated with Trump. No totals associated with Biden appear in the list. In fact, entering BIDEN into the "Search NAME" input gives the top total transaction associated with Biden as the contributor to be $335,000 from BIDEN VICTORY FUND to CARPENTERS LEGISLATIVE IMPROVEMENT COMMI. Entering BIDEN into the "Search CMTE_NM" input gives the top total transaction associated with Biden as the recipient to be $285,000 from UNITED FOOD AND COMMERCIAL WORKERS INTER to BIDEN VICTORY FUND.

It's possible to look at the committees receiving the largest total contributions by selecting CMTE_NM, CMTE_PTY, CAND_NAME, CAND_PTY, and CAND_ST in the "Group by" select input. Doing that and then clicking the Submit button results in the following output:

[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 3,542"
[1] "TOT(COUNT)      = 336,263"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 1,050,487,989"
[1] ""
                                    CMTE_NM CMTE_PTY                      CAND_NAME CAND_PTY CAND_ST   COUNT   TRANS_AMT
1       DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC.      REP               TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY 150,399 102,202,717
2                                      NRSC      REP                  SULLIVAN, DAN      REP      AK     604  62,042,750
3             REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)  60,692  59,322,265
5                                       SMP     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     144  44,782,340
6  TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       8  29,603,493
7                AMERICA FIRST ACTION, INC.     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      75  27,015,696
8                    SENATE LEADERSHIP FUND     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     118  26,657,596
9                    CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     494  24,498,534
10 DNC SERVICES CORP / DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL       DEM                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     438  16,771,301
11                        UNITE THE COUNTRY     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      95  16,360,589
12                                     DCCC      DEM                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     629  14,575,346
13                    PRIORITIES USA ACTION     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     132  14,567,608
14                                     NRCC      REP         JACOBS, CHRISTOPHER L.      REP      NY     486  14,036,147
15                                   AB PAC     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      69  12,665,971
16                              WOMEN VOTE!     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     120  11,689,903
17                          SUNFLOWER STATE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      28  10,598,532
18                         LCV VICTORY FUND     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     117   9,061,482
19                      END CITIZENS UNITED     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)   4,421   8,296,136
20                          RESTORATION PAC     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       7   8,293,990
21 2020 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION COMM      DEM                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      25   7,702,100
22                            TRUMP VICTORY     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       8   7,560,416
23 ENGINEERS POLITICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE       UNK                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      77   7,314,960
24                       NEW LEADERSHIP PAC     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      34   6,811,113
25                               KANYE 2020      BDY                    WEST, KANYE      BDY      WY       7   6,760,000
26 AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY ACTION, INC.(AF     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     367   6,557,418
27 SEIU COPE (SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATION     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     158   6,436,386
28              REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FLORIDA      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      15   6,108,814
29                             VICTORY 2020     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       2   5,882,242
30                   NRA VICTORY FUND, INC.     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       2   5,822,618
31         NEXTGEN CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      34   5,773,558
32 EVERYTOWN FOR GUN SAFETY VICTORY FUND (E     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      15   5,582,472
33                                BLACK PAC     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      57   5,273,634
34 UA UNION PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS VOTE! PA     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     179   5,026,016
35             GEORGIANS FOR KELLY LOEFFLER      REP                LOEFFLER, KELLY      REP      GA       1   5,000,000
36                 UNITED FOR MASSACHUSETTS     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      25   4,915,774
37          NORTH CAROLINA REPUBLICAN PARTY      REP                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      98   4,743,992
38 DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF FLORID      DEM                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      73   4,724,300
39                           FOR OUR FUTURE     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      59   4,627,636
40                            DEMOCRACY PAC     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)       5   4,375,000
41                                     DSCC      DEM                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     138   4,319,860
42 MICHIGAN DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMIT      DEM                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     146   4,181,485
43                 PLANNED PARENTHOOD VOTES     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     210   3,959,717
44                             EMILY'S LIST     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     891   3,842,121
45                 ARIZONA DEMOCRATIC PARTY      DEM                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)     246   3,805,522
46                                 PACRONYM     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      39   3,694,254
47              PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      12   3,502,500
48            PENNSYLVANIA DEMOCRATIC PARTY      DEM                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      61   3,352,913
49                               PLAINS PAC     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      31   3,342,600
50                               CHANGE NOW     (NA)                           (NA)     (NA)    (NA)      47   3,225,637
As can be seen, the top recipients of total transactions tended to be Republican with the top two Democrat recipients being line 5, SMP (Senate Majority PAC) and line 10, DNC SERVICES CORP / DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL. Interestingly, the list includes the committee KANYE 2020 for Kanye West. The BDY for his party stands for Kaynes own political party, the 'Birthday Party'.

It's possible to look at the candidates receiving the largest total contributions by selecting CAND_NAME, CAND_PTY, amd CAND_ST in the "Group by" select input. Doing that and then clicking the Submit button results in the following output:

[1] "Sort by TRANS_AMT, Descending"
[1] ""
[1] ""
[1] "NUMBER OF ROWS  = 790"
[1] "TOT(COUNT)      = 336,263"
[1] "TOT(TRANS_AMT)  = 1,050,487,989"
[1] ""
                          CAND_NAME CAND_PTY CAND_ST   COUNT   TRANS_AMT
1                              (NA)     (NA)    (NA) 167,410 740,352,150
2                  TRUMP, DONALD J.      REP      NY 150,399 102,202,717
3                     SULLIVAN, DAN      REP      AK     638  62,172,638
4    BEHRMAN, DAN TAXATION IS THEFT      LIB      NV       1  49,987,115
5            JACOBS, CHRISTOPHER L.      REP      NY     498  14,668,469
6                       WEST, KANYE      BDY      WY       7   6,760,000
7                   LOEFFLER, KELLY      REP      GA       1   5,000,000
8                 SCALISE, STEVE MR      REP      LA   1,661   2,275,762
9         LISS-RIORDAN, SHANNON MS.      DEM      MA       2   2,222,955
10                 MCCONNELL, MITCH      REP      KY     307   1,859,657
11                 CORNYN, JOHN SEN      REP      TX     278   1,707,072
12                  WALL, KATHALEEN      REP      TX       2   1,501,000
13                    HAMILTON, BOB      REP      KS       1   1,500,000
14                    EDWARDS, CHET      DEM      TX      66   1,341,897
15                    PIERCE, BROCK      IND      PR       2   1,248,828
16                  SCHLEIFER, ADAM      DEM      NY       3   1,230,000
17                  BOOKER, CORY A.      DEM      NJ     418   1,126,379
18                      EISEN, JOSH      IND      NY       1   1,000,000
19         CARUSO-CABRERA, MICHELLE      DEM      NY       2   1,000,000
20                    MCCLAIN, LISA      REP      MI       2   1,000,000
21                    GARDNER, CORY      REP      CO     270     986,278
22            DE LA FUENTE, RICARDO      DEM      CA       2     950,000
23 FIGLESTHALER, WILLIAM MATTHEW MD      REP      FL       6     880,000
24            FLINN, GEORGE S DR JR      REP      TN       2     858,377
25               RIGGS AMICO, SARAH      DEM      GA       8     852,000
26               HARSHBARGER, DIANA      REP      TN       3     775,000
27                     GAPP, JOSHUA      REP      TN       9     712,000
28                  MCCARTHY, KEVIN      REP      CA      84     710,645
29                    PERDUE, DAVID      REP      GA     111     679,157
30                WARREN, ELIZABETH      DEM      MA       1     676,536
31                  CUNNINGHAM, CAL      DEM      NC     398     669,893
32     GREENE, MARJORIE TAYLOR MRS.      REP      GA       2     650,000
33       MESSNER, BRYANT 'CORKY' S.      REP      NH       2     600,900
34              WARNER, MARK ROBERT      DEM      VA     194     575,867
35            HICKENLOOPER, JOHN W.      DEM      CO     322     557,150
36                 WARNOCK, RAPHAEL      DEM      GA     217     549,113
37                   SCHELLER, LISA      REP      PA       3     532,327
38                   BULLOCK, STEVE      DEM      MT     306     527,816
39                  HARRISON, JAIME      DEM      SC     242     484,867
40                    ERNST, JONI K      REP      IA      74     463,946
41                  STEEL, MICHELLE      REP      CA      93     452,404
42                    PELOSI, NANCY      DEM    (NA)      40     434,626
43         GROSSMAN, REBECCA WALKER      DEM      MA       3     429,699
44                     TRAHAN, LORI      DEM      MA       8     425,000
45                    CLYDE, ANDREW      REP      GA       5     411,027
46                 GUILLORY, ELBERT      REP      LA      51     405,620
47                  MCSALLY, MARTHA      REP      AZ     100     404,129
48                ST. GEORGE, JAMES      REP      FL       1     400,000
49                     SCHIFF, ADAM      DEM      CA      61     378,261
50             COLLINS, GENEVIEVE D      REP      TX      13     368,997
As can be seen, the largest portion of contributions went to NA (not applicable) which is linked to no specific candidate. The next largest contributions were over $102 million to Trump. As previously mentioned, DAN SULLIVAN is chiefly associated with contributions to the NRSC and CHRISTOPHER JACOBS is chiefly associated with contributions to the NRCC. The other two largest recipients of the top 6 were Dan Behrman of Libertarian party and Kayne West of the Birthday party. Following Kayne is Kelly Loeffler (R) who was appointed to the U.S. Senate to succeed incumbent Senator Johnny Isakson and is running in a special election to finish his term. After that comes Steve Scalise (R), Minority Whip of the House, Shannon Liss-Riordan (D), candidate for Senate, and Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader. Interestingly, Biden is not in the top 50. In fact, he is number 112 with total transactions of $154,613. As previously mentioned, however, Biden has received over $57 million since 2020-06-03 in individual contributions.

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