total rate individual rate income change
                               TOTAL EFFECTIVE FEDERAL TAX RATE
                Lowest   Second   Middle   Fourth  Highest                                 Tax
Year    Total Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile  Top 10%   Top 5%   Top 1%  Revenue*
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1979     22.2      8.0     14.3     18.6     21.2     27.5     29.6     31.8     37.0     18.5
1980     22.2      7.7     14.1     18.7     21.5     27.3     29.0     30.8     34.6     19.0
1981     22.4      8.3     14.7     19.2     22.1     26.9     28.2     29.4     31.8     19.6
1982     20.7      8.2     13.8     17.9     20.6     24.4     25.3     26.0     27.7     19.1
1983     20.4      9.1     13.7     17.5     20.1     23.9     24.8     25.6     27.7     17.5
1984     21.0     10.2     14.6     18.0     20.4     24.3     25.2     26.1     28.2     17.4
1985     20.9      9.8     14.8     18.1     20.4     24.0     24.7     25.4     27.0     17.7
1986     20.9      9.6     14.8     18.0     20.5     23.8     24.3     24.6     25.5     17.4
1987     21.6      8.7     14.0     17.6     20.2     25.8     27.2     28.5     31.2     18.4
1988     21.8      8.5     14.3     17.9     20.6     25.6     26.7     27.8     29.7     18.2
1989     21.5      7.9     13.9     17.9     20.5     25.2     26.3     27.2     28.9     18.4
1990     21.5      8.9     14.6     17.9     20.6     25.1     26.1     27.0     28.8     18.0
1991     21.5      8.4     14.2     17.6     20.5     25.3     26.6     27.6     29.9     17.8
1992     21.5      8.2     13.7     17.4     20.2     25.6     26.9     28.1     30.6     17.5
1993     22.0      8.0     13.5     17.3     20.2     26.8     28.6     30.5     34.5     17.6
1994     22.3      6.6     13.1     17.3     20.4     27.4     29.4     31.3     35.8     18.1
1995     22.6      6.3     13.4     17.3     20.5     27.8     29.8     31.8     36.1     18.5
1996     22.7      5.6     13.2     17.3     20.3     28.0     30.1     32.0     36.0     18.9
1997     22.9      5.8     13.6     17.4     20.5     28.0     29.9     31.6     34.9     19.3
1998     22.6      5.8     13.0     16.8     20.4     27.6     29.3     30.8     33.4     20.0
1999     22.9      6.1     13.3     16.9     20.5     28.0     29.7     31.2     33.5     20.0
2000     23.0      6.4     13.0     16.6     20.5     28.0     29.6     31.0     33.0     20.9
2001     21.4      5.1     11.5     15.3     18.9     26.7     28.5     30.0     32.8     19.8
2002     20.7      4.7     10.8     14.8     18.3     26.0     27.9     29.5     32.8     17.9
2003     19.8      4.6      9.8     13.8     17.4     25.0     26.8     28.5     31.7     16.5
2004     20.1      4.3      9.9     14.1     17.3     25.2     27.1     28.7     31.4     16.4
2005     20.5      4.3      9.9     14.2     17.4     25.5     27.4     28.9     31.2     17.6

                             EFFECTIVE INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RATE
                Lowest   Second   Middle   Fourth  Highest                              Income
Year    Total Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile  Top 10%   Top 5%   Top 1%    Taxes*
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1979     11.0      0.0      4.1      7.5     10.1     15.7     17.4     19.0     21.8     8.71
1980     11.7      0.2      4.5      8.0     10.7     16.5     18.2     19.7     22.3     8.95
1981     12.0      0.5      4.8      8.3     11.1     16.7     18.2     19.6     21.5     9.36
1982     11.0      0.4      4.2      7.4     10.0     15.3     16.9     18.3     20.4     9.22
1983     10.2      0.4      3.8      6.7      9.1     14.2     15.6     16.9     19.4     8.40
1984     10.2      0.7      4.0      6.7      8.9     14.1     15.6     17.0     19.3     7.77
1985     10.2      0.5      4.0      6.6      8.8     14.0     15.4     16.7     18.9     8.08
1986     10.4      0.4      4.0      6.5      8.8     14.2     15.5     16.6     18.3     7.91
1987     10.3     -0.6      3.2      5.8      8.1     14.9     16.8     18.5     21.5     8.45
1988     10.4     -1.1      3.1      5.9      8.3     14.9     16.6     18.2     20.7     8.01
1989     10.2     -1.6      2.9      6.0      8.3     14.6     16.3     17.7     19.9     8.25
1990     10.1     -1.0      3.4      6.0      8.3     14.4     16.0     17.5     19.9     8.14
1991      9.9     -1.6      2.9      5.8      8.1     14.3     16.0     17.6     20.6     7.88
1992      9.9     -2.1      2.5      5.5      7.9     14.5     16.3     18.0     21.2     7.63
1993     10.0     -2.3      2.3      5.4      7.8     14.9     17.0     19.1     23.2     7.75
1994     10.0     -3.9      1.9      5.3      7.8     15.0     17.1     19.2     23.0     7.80
1995     10.2     -4.4      2.0      5.3      7.8     15.5     17.7     19.8     23.7     8.06
1996     10.7     -5.1      1.8      5.4      7.9     16.1     18.3     20.5     24.2     8.53
1997     11.0     -5.2      2.1      5.6      8.0     16.4     18.5     20.6     23.8     9.01
1998     11.0     -5.4      1.5      5.0      7.9     16.5     18.7     20.6     23.4     9.60
1999     11.4     -5.2      1.7      5.0      8.0     17.1     19.3     21.3     24.0     9.64
2000     11.8     -4.6      1.5      5.0      8.1     17.5     19.7     21.6     24.2    10.34
2001     10.3     -5.6      0.3      3.9      7.1     16.3     18.7     20.8     24.1     9.89
2002      9.7     -6.0     -0.2      3.6      6.7     15.5     17.9     20.0     23.7     8.27
2003      8.4     -6.0     -1.1      2.8      5.9     13.7     15.8     17.7     20.4     7.34
2004      8.7     -6.2     -0.9      3.0      5.9     13.9     15.9     17.6     19.7     7.03
2005      9.0     -6.5     -1.0      3.0      6.0     14.1     16.0     17.6     19.4     7.58

                  AVERAGE PRETAX INCOME (thousands of 2005 dollars)

                Lowest   Second   Middle   Fourth  Highest
Year    Total Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile  Top 10%   Top 5%   Top 1%
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1979     59.7     15.7     34.0     51.0     69.0    132.1    172.2    234.2    517.8         
1980     57.7     15.1     32.6     49.3     66.9    127.8    166.4    223.1    488.2         
1981     57.6     14.7     32.3     48.6     67.2    126.8    164.3    219.1    484.8         
1982     57.3     14.3     31.5     47.6     66.4    126.8    165.8    224.0    505.7         
1983     57.7     13.8     30.3     46.8     66.0    131.1    173.6    236.0    553.6         
1984     60.3     14.2     32.1     48.8     68.7    140.2    188.0    258.7    609.4         
1985     61.7     14.3     32.2     49.6     69.4    143.9    194.3    269.2    654.4         
1986     66.3     14.3     33.0     50.8     72.0    162.4    224.7    324.2    851.9         
1987     64.0     14.1     31.8     50.4     72.1    153.0    207.1    287.4    688.6         
1988     66.9     14.3     32.4     51.2     72.9    164.6    227.5    326.3    867.3         
1989     67.4     14.9     33.0     51.8     73.8    163.7    225.1    318.4    807.1         
1990     66.7     15.3     33.8     51.6     72.9    159.0    217.0    305.5    774.5         
1991     64.9     15.3     33.3     50.8     72.1    153.4    207.2    286.9    698.2         
1992     66.7     15.0     33.1     51.1     72.8    160.1    219.4    311.0    791.7         
1993     67.0     15.3     33.3     51.4     73.4    160.2    217.8    304.9    760.7         
1994     67.8     15.2     33.6     51.8     74.6    163.4    223.7    314.7    784.3         
1995     70.4     16.0     35.2     53.2     75.8    171.1    235.2    337.8    864.4         
1996     72.7     15.7     35.0     53.9     77.1    179.7    251.4    362.0    953.4         
1997     75.6     16.1     35.8     54.7     78.5    190.5    270.7    398.9   1093.4         
1998     79.3     16.9     37.4     56.1     81.6    202.1    290.4    434.9   1228.0         
1999     82.7     17.4     38.4     57.3     83.7    214.2    309.2    463.5   1336.6         
2000     84.0     16.6     37.7     57.0     84.5    222.6    324.3    491.8   1460.6         
2001     79.3     16.4     38.0     57.7     83.2    201.4    285.4    418.4   1156.0         
2002     75.9     15.9     36.8     56.4     81.3    191.4    267.1    383.1   1024.1         
2003     77.0     15.7     36.4     56.1     82.0    197.8    278.6    405.2   1092.8         
2004     81.3     15.8     37.2     58.0     84.5    214.5    307.8    457.4   1299.3         
2005     84.8     15.9     37.4     58.5     85.2    231.3    339.1    520.2   1558.5


                Lowest   Second   Middle   Fourth  Highest
Year    Total Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile  Top 10%   Top 5%   Top 1%
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1979      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0
1980     -3.4     -3.8     -4.1     -3.3     -3.0     -3.3     -3.4     -4.7     -5.7
1981     -3.5     -6.4     -5.0     -4.7     -2.6     -4.0     -4.6     -6.4     -6.4
1982     -4.0     -8.9     -7.4     -6.7     -3.8     -4.0     -3.7     -4.4     -2.3
1983     -3.4    -12.1    -10.9     -8.2     -4.3     -0.8      0.8      0.8      6.9
1984      1.0     -9.6     -5.6     -4.3     -0.4      6.1      9.2     10.5     17.7
1985      3.4     -8.9     -5.3     -2.7      0.6      8.9     12.8     14.9     26.4
1986     11.1     -8.9     -2.9     -0.4      4.3     22.9     30.5     38.4     64.5
1987      7.2    -10.2     -6.5     -1.2      4.5     15.8     20.3     22.7     33.0
1988     12.1     -8.9     -4.7      0.4      5.7     24.6     32.1     39.3     67.5
1989     12.9     -5.1     -2.9      1.6      7.0     23.9     30.7     36.0     55.9
1990     11.7     -2.5     -0.6      1.2      5.7     20.4     26.0     30.4     49.6
1991      8.7     -2.5     -2.1     -0.4      4.5     16.1     20.3     22.5     34.8
1992     11.7     -4.5     -2.6      0.2      5.5     21.2     27.4     32.8     52.9
1993     12.2     -2.5     -2.1      0.8      6.4     21.3     26.5     30.2     46.9
1994     13.6     -3.2     -1.2      1.6      8.1     23.7     29.9     34.4     51.5
1995     17.9      1.9      3.5      4.3      9.9     29.5     36.6     44.2     66.9
1996     21.8      0.0      2.9      5.7     11.7     36.0     46.0     54.6     84.1
1997     26.6      2.5      5.3      7.3     13.8     44.2     57.2     70.3    111.2
1998     32.8      7.6     10.0     10.0     18.3     53.0     68.6     85.7    137.2
1999     38.5     10.8     12.9     12.4     21.3     62.1     79.6     97.9    158.1
2000     40.7      5.7     10.9     11.8     22.5     68.5     88.3    110.0    182.1
2001     32.8      4.5     11.8     13.1     20.6     52.5     65.7     78.7    123.3
2002     27.1      1.3      8.2     10.6     17.8     44.9     55.1     63.6     97.8
2003     29.0      0.0      7.1     10.0     18.8     49.7     61.8     73.0    111.0
2004     36.2      0.6      9.4     13.7     22.5     62.4     78.7     95.3    150.9
2005     42.0      1.3     10.0     14.7     23.5     75.1     96.9    122.1    201.0

                 MINIMUM ADJUSTED INCOME (thousands of 2005 dollars)

                Lowest   Second   Middle   Fourth  Highest
Year    Total Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile Quintile  Top 10%   Top 5%   Top 1%
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1979      NA       0.0     16.4     26.0     35.6     49.7     63.6     80.6    157.7
1980      NA       0.0     15.7     25.1     34.6     48.5     62.7     78.8    152.9
1981      NA       0.0     15.5     24.9     34.8     48.9     62.8     79.5    150.6
1982      NA       0.0     15.1     24.3     34.3     48.9     63.1     79.0    151.2
1983      NA       0.0     14.4     24.1     34.3     49.2     63.8     80.8    157.7
1984      NA       0.0     15.3     25.1     35.9     51.3     67.2     85.2    168.4
1985      NA       0.0     15.4     25.5     36.4     52.0     68.3     87.3    175.0
1986      NA       0.0     15.5     26.2     37.6     54.3     71.5     92.7    203.3
1987      NA       0.0     15.0     26.1     37.9     55.0     72.5     92.6    190.8
1988      NA       0.0     15.4     26.7     38.6     56.0     74.2     95.3    205.2
1989      NA       0.0     15.7     27.1     39.0     56.8     75.3     97.6    208.0
1990      NA       0.0     16.1     27.1     38.8     56.0     74.0     96.0    198.4
1991      NA       0.0     16.1     26.6     38.4     55.2     72.9     94.4    194.6
1992      NA       0.0     15.7     26.7     38.7     55.9     74.2     97.3    205.8
1993      NA       0.0     15.9     26.8     38.7     56.3     74.7     97.0    202.5
1994      NA       0.0     16.1     27.2     39.6     57.2     75.8     99.1    208.6
1995      NA       0.0     16.9     28.1     40.3     58.7     78.5    103.2    221.9
1996      NA       0.0     16.6     28.4     40.9     59.9     80.6    106.2    234.3
1997      NA       0.0     17.0     28.8     41.5     61.3     83.0    111.4    248.6
1998      NA       0.0     17.8     29.9     43.0     63.6     86.6    116.2    265.3
1999      NA       0.0     18.3     30.5     43.9     65.5     89.1    119.8    283.1
2000      NA       0.0     17.9     30.3     44.1     66.2     90.7    122.8    290.9
2001      NA       0.0     18.1     30.5     44.3     65.6     88.5    118.3    262.4
2002      NA       0.0     17.7     29.7     43.4     64.1     86.6    115.0    249.6
2003      NA       0.0     17.4     29.5     43.3     65.0     87.3    116.5    253.6
2004      NA       0.0     17.7     30.2     44.6     66.5     90.3    120.8    276.2
2005      NA       0.0     17.9     30.5     45.2     67.4     92.4    126.3    307.5

* Total Tax Revenue and Individual Income Taxes given as percent of GDP

Source: Budget of the United States Government, FY 2009, Historical Tables,
        tables 2.1, and 10.1;
        Congressional Budget Office, Detailed Tables for 1979 to 2005
Notes from Congressional Budget Office tables:

Effective tax rates are calculated by dividing taxes by comprehensive household income.

Comprehensive household income equals pretax cash income plus income from other sources. Pretax cash income is the sum of wages, salaries, self-employment income, rents, taxable and nontaxable interest, dividends, realized capital gains, cash transfer payments, and retirement benefits plus taxes paid by businesses (corporate income taxes and the employer's share of Social Security, Medicare, and federal unemployment insurance payroll taxes) and employee contributions to 401(k) retirement plans. Other sources of income include all in-kind benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, employer-paid health insurance premiums, food stamps, school lunches and breakfasts, housing assistance, and energy assistance). Households with negative income are excluded from the lowest income category but are included in totals.

Income categories are defined by ranking all people by their comprehensive household income adjusted for household size—that is, divided by the square root of the house- hold’s size. (A household consists of the people who share a housing unit, regardless of their relationships.) Quintiles, or fifths, contain equal numbers of people.

Individual income taxes are distributed directly to households paying those taxes. Social insurance, or payroll, taxes are distributed to households paying those taxes directly or paying them indirectly through their employers. Corporate income taxes are distributed to households according to their share of capital income. Federal excise taxes are distributed to them according to their consumption of the taxed good or service.

The minimum adjusted income is the lower income boundary for each quintile. Because incomes are adjusted by dividing income by the square root of household size, an adjusted income range implies different unadjusted income for different size households. To compute the unadjusted income range for a particular size household, the adjusted income must be multiplied by the square root of the household size: 1.414 for a two- person household, 1.732 for a three-person household; 2.0 for a four-person household, 2.236 for a five-person household. For example, in 2005, the highest quintile had adjusted income above $67,400. A two-person household would need income above $95,300 to fall in that quintile, while a four-person household would need income in excess of $134,800.

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