Percent of GDP Per capita 2000 $
----------------------------------- ------------------
Real Unemploy Non- Surplus Personal Dispos.
GDP -ment CPI-U Total Total defense or consumpt. personal
Year President % chng rate % chng Receipts Outlays Outlays deficit expend. income
------ ---------- ------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
1959 Eisenhower 7.1 5.5 16.2 18.8 8.8 -2.6 8,776 9,685
1960 2.5 5.5 1.7 17.8 17.8 8.5 0.1 8,837 9,735
1961 Kennedy 2.3 6.7 1.0 17.8 18.4 9.0 -0.6 8,873 9,901
1962 6.1 5.5 1.0 17.6 18.8 9.6 -1.3 9,170 10,227
1963 4.4 5.7 1.3 17.8 18.6 9.7 -0.8 9,412 10,455
1964 (Johnson) 5.8 5.2 1.3 17.6 18.5 10.0 -0.9 9,839 11,061
1965 Johnson 6.4 4.5 1.6 17.0 17.2 9.8 -0.2 10,331 11,594
1966 6.5 3.8 2.9 17.3 17.8 10.1 -0.5 10,793 12,065
1967 2.5 3.8 3.1 18.4 19.4 10.6 -1.1 10,994 12,457
1968 4.8 3.6 4.2 17.6 20.5 11.1 -2.9 11,510 12,892
1969 Nixon 3.1 3.5 5.5 19.7 19.4 10.7 0.3 11,820 13,163
1970 0.2 4.9 5.7 19.0 19.3 11.2 -0.3 11,955 13,563
1971 3.4 5.9 4.4 17.3 19.5 12.2 -2.1 12,256 14,001
1972 5.3 5.6 3.2 17.6 19.6 12.9 -2.0 12,868 14,512
1973 Nixon 5.8 4.9 6.2 17.6 18.7 12.9 -1.1 13,371 15,345
1974 -0.5 5.6 11.0 18.3 18.7 13.2 -0.4 13,148 15,094
1975 (Ford) -0.2 8.5 9.1 17.9 21.3 15.8 -3.4 13,320 15,291
1976 5.3 7.7 5.8 17.1 21.4 16.2 -4.2 13,919 15,738
1977 Carter 4.6 7.1 6.5 18.0 20.7 15.8 -2.7 14,364 16,128
1978 5.6 6.1 7.6 18.0 20.7 16.0 -2.7 14,837 16,704
1979 3.2 5.8 11.3 18.5 20.1 15.5 -1.6 15,030 16,931
1980 -0.2 7.1 13.5 19.0 21.7 16.8 -2.7 14,816 16,940
1981 Reagan 2.5 7.6 10.3 19.6 22.2 17.1 -2.6 14,879 17,217
1982 -1.9 9.7 6.2 19.2 23.1 17.4 -4.0 14,944 17,418
1983 4.5 9.6 3.2 17.4 23.5 17.4 -6.0 15,656 17,828
1984 7.2 7.5 4.3 17.3 22.1 16.2 -4.8 16,343 19,011
1985 Reagan 4.1 7.2 3.6 17.7 22.8 16.7 -5.1 17,040 19,476
1986 3.5 7.0 1.9 17.5 22.5 16.3 -5.0 17,570 19,906
1987 3.4 6.2 3.6 18.4 21.6 15.5 -3.2 17,994 20,072
1988 4.1 5.5 4.1 18.1 21.2 15.4 -3.1 18,554 20,740
1989 Bush 3.5 5.3 4.8 18.3 21.2 15.6 -2.8 18,898 21,120
1990 1.9 5.6 5.4 18.0 21.8 16.6 -3.9 19,067 21,281
1991 -0.2 6.8 4.2 17.8 22.3 17.7 -4.5 18,848 21,109
1992 3.3 7.5 3.0 17.5 22.1 17.3 -4.7 19,208 21,548
1993 Clinton 2.7 6.9 3.0 17.5 21.4 17.0 -3.9 19,593 21,493
1994 4.0 6.1 2.6 18.1 21.0 17.0 -2.9 20,082 21,812
1995 2.5 5.6 2.8 18.5 20.7 17.0 -2.2 20,382 22,153
1996 3.7 5.4 3.0 18.9 20.3 16.8 -1.4 20,835 22,546
1997 Clinton 4.5 4.9 2.3 19.3 19.6 16.3 -0.3 21,365 23,065
1998 4.2 4.5 1.6 20.0 19.2 16.1 0.8 22,183 24,131
1999 4.5 4.2 2.2 20.0 18.6 15.6 1.4 23,050 24,564
2000 3.7 4.0 3.4 20.9 18.4 15.4 2.4 23,858 25,467
2001 Bush 0.5 4.7 2.8 19.8 18.6 15.6 1.3 24,178 25,633
2002 2.2 5.8 1.6 17.9 19.4 16.0 -1.5 24,739 26,320
2003 6.0 2.3 16.5 19.9 16.2 -3.5
Real Unemploy Non- Surplus Personal Dispos.
GDP -ment CPI-U Total Total defense or consumpt. personal
OFFSET 1960-2002 % chng rate % chng Receipts Outlays Outlays deficit expend. income
------ ---------- ------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
none Democrat 4.09 5.33 3.81 18.39 19.58 13.76 -1.21 15,566 17,129
Republican 2.76 6.44 4.85 18.12 20.87 14.97 -2.74 16,061 18,049
1-yr Democrat 3.92 5.08 4.22 18.68 19.57 13.84 -0.90 15,968 17,554
Republican 2.91 6.65 4.50 17.87 20.89 14.90 -3.01 15,712 17,680
2-yr Democrat 3.16 5.22 4.33 18.80 19.63 13.94 -0.84 16,346 17,982
Republican 3.57 6.53 4.40 17.77 20.83 14.82 -3.06 15,383 17,307
OFFSET 1982-2002
------ ----------
1-yr Democrat 3.45 4.93 2.59 19.44 19.55 16.23 -0.11 21,992 23,671
Republican 2.95 6.97 3.76 17.89 21.92 16.55 -4.04 18,343 20,563
ERP Source Table: B-4 B-42 B-63 B-79 B-79 B-79 B-79 B-31 B-31
Source: Economic Report of the President for 2004, Tables B-4, B-31, B-42, B-63, B-79
Note: The choice of the above economic indicators is based on an article titled "Do
the Math" by Michael Kinsley which appeared in a number of papers (including
the Washington Post) on August 1, 2004.
OFFSET 1960-2002 FORMULA (C60=1960, C102=2002)
------ ---------- --------
none Democrat (@SUM(C61..C68)+@SUM(C77..C80)+@SUM(C93..C100))/20
Republican (C60+@SUM(C69..C76)+@SUM(C81..C92)+@SUM(C101..C102))/23
1-yr Democrat (@SUM(C62..C69)+@SUM(C78..C81)+@SUM(C94..C101))/20
Republican (@SUM(C60..C61)+@SUM(C70..C77)+@SUM(C82..C93)+C102)/23
2-yr Democrat (@SUM(C63..C70)+@SUM(C79..C82)+@SUM(C95..C102))/20
Republican (@SUM(C60..C62)+@SUM(C71..C78)+@SUM(C83..C94))/23
------ ---------- --------
1-yr Democrat (@SUM(C94..C101))/8
Republican (@SUM(C82..C93)+C102)/13
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