Software Developers by Citizenship Status and Gender in Santa Clara County, CA: 1980-2017

Exploring Census Data via R Shiny and OCC1990

Citizenship Status *

Computer software developers (229) in the United States

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by CITIZENSHIP and SEX, UNITED STATES (percent)

   Year YEAR     Count Non.citizen_Male Non.citizen_Female Naturalized_Male Naturalized_Female U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female
1 y1980 1980   311,180              2.7                1.3              2.2                1.2           64.6             28.0
2 y1990 1990   644,172              3.7                1.7              3.6                2.4           60.2             28.3
3 y2000 2000 1,349,011             11.2                3.5              6.3                3.0           56.4             19.6
4 y2010 2010 1,315,823             14.4                4.1              9.8                4.0           53.3             14.4
5 y2017 2017 1,803,306             17.1                4.6             10.9                3.6           52.2             11.5

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by CITIZENSHIP and SEX, UNITED STATES (count)

   Year YEAR     Count Non.citizen_Male Non.citizen_Female Naturalized_Male Naturalized_Female U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female
1 y1980 1980   311,180            8,440              3,900            6,800              3,760        201,160           87,120
2 y1990 1990   644,172           24,150             10,814           23,164             15,675        387,857          182,512
3 y2000 2000 1,349,011          150,820             46,712           85,524             40,876        761,305          263,774
4 y2010 2010 1,315,823          190,027             53,343          129,128             52,474        701,412          189,439
5 y2017 2017 1,803,306          308,726             83,661          196,787             64,711        942,019          207,402

Computer software developers (229) in Santa Clara County, CA (center of Silicon Valley)

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by CITIZENSHIP and SEX, STATE=CA, COUNTY=SANTA CLARA (percent)

   Year YEAR  Count Non.citizen_Male Non.citizen_Female Naturalized_Male Naturalized_Female U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female
1 y1980 1980  6,900              4.1                3.5              3.8                3.8           61.2             23.8
2 y1990 1990 12,993              6.9                4.9              8.0                7.9           53.7             18.6
3 y2000 2000 47,667             31.2                8.6             12.8                6.7           33.2              7.5
4 y2010 2010 52,260             33.4                9.7             18.9                8.8           25.6              3.7
5 y2017 2017 90,412             38.8               10.6             17.6                6.0           22.4              4.5

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by CITIZENSHIP and SEX, STATE=CA, COUNTY=SANTA CLARA (count)

   Year YEAR  Count Non.citizen_Male Non.citizen_Female Naturalized_Male Naturalized_Female U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female
1 y1980 1980  6,900              280                240              260                260          4,220            1,640
2 y1990 1990 12,993              898                635            1,033              1,028          6,982            2,417
3 y2000 2000 47,667           14,856              4,113            6,098              3,202         15,837            3,561
4 y2010 2010 52,260           17,445              5,061            9,861              4,581         13,373            1,939
5 y2017 2017 90,412           35,123              9,569           15,930              5,432         20,286            4,072
* Note: For Citizenship Status, U.S._Born includes citizens born abroad of American parents


Computer software developers (229) in the United States

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by BIRTHPLACE_TECH and SEX, UNITED STATES (percent)

   Year YEAR     Count U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female India_Male India_Female China_Male China_Female Other_Male Other_Female
1 y1980 1980   311,180           64.2             27.8        0.3          0.2        0.8          0.7        4.3          1.8
2 y1990 1990   644,172           59.4             28.0        0.9          0.3        1.3          1.2        6.0          2.9
3 y2000 2000 1,349,011           55.5             19.3        5.7          1.5        2.7          1.9       10.0          3.4
4 y2010 2010 1,315,823           52.4             14.2       11.1          3.6        3.2          1.8       10.9          2.8
5 y2017 2017 1,803,306           51.2             11.2       13.9          4.3        3.9          1.4       11.3          2.8

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by BIRTHPLACE_TECH and SEX, UNITED STATES (count)

   Year YEAR     Count U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female India_Male India_Female China_Male China_Female Other_Male Other_Female
1 y1980 1980   311,180        199,640           86,440      1,080          580      2,340        2,300     13,340        5,460
2 y1990 1990   644,172        382,412          180,640      5,490        2,138      8,321        7,433     38,948       18,790
3 y2000 2000 1,349,011        748,592          259,948     77,396       20,391     36,827       25,497    134,834       45,526
4 y2010 2010 1,315,823        689,197          186,658    145,459       47,565     41,981       24,004    143,930       37,029
5 y2017 2017 1,803,306        922,812          202,000    250,643       76,792     69,478       26,094    204,599       50,888

Computer software developers (229) in Santa Clara County, CA (center of Silicon Valley)

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by BIRTHPLACE_TECH and SEX, STATE=CA, COUNTY=Santa Clara (percent)

   Year YEAR  Count U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female India_Male India_Female China_Male China_Female Other_Male Other_Female
1 y1980 1980  6,900           60.3             22.9        0.3           NA        1.4          4.6        7.0          3.5
2 y1990 1990 12,993           53.3             18.4        1.3          1.1        4.1          6.1        9.9          5.8
3 y2000 2000 47,667           32.2              7.4       17.4          3.8        9.7          6.5       17.9          5.2
4 y2010 2010 52,260           24.6              3.7       25.4          9.5       10.7          4.9       17.2          4.1
5 y2017 2017 90,412           21.7              4.4       28.1          9.6       13.0          4.3       16.0          2.7

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by BIRTHPLACE_TECH and SEX, STATE=CA, COUNTY=Santa Clara (count)

   Year YEAR  Count U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female India_Male India_Female China_Male China_Female Other_Male Other_Female
1 y1980 1980  6,900          4,160            1,580         20           NA        100          320        480          240
2 y1990 1990 12,993          6,928            2,397        165          146        530          788      1,290          749
3 y2000 2000 47,667         15,346            3,515      8,281        1,831      4,616        3,075      8,548        2,455
4 y2010 2010 52,260         12,834            1,939     13,254        4,943      5,588        2,554      9,003        2,145
5 y2017 2017 90,412         19,654            4,013     25,423        8,713     11,758        3,892     14,504        2,455

Computer and Information Systems Managers (110) in Santa Clara County, CA (center of Silicon Valley)

Computer and Information Systems Managers (110 in OCC): 2005-2017, grouped by BIRTHPLACE_TECH and SEX, STATE=CA, COUNTY=Santa Clara (percent)

   Year YEAR  Count U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female India_Male India_Female China_Male China_Female Other_Male Other_Female
1 y2005 2005  5,589           30.4             25.7       19.6          1.3        2.9          1.2       15.2          3.7
2 y2010 2010  9,227           18.1             27.6       18.3          3.9        5.5          3.7       16.0          6.9
3 y2014 2014  7,804           21.8             13.3       21.1         10.5        2.8          2.8       22.4          5.4
4 y2015 2015  7,913           29.2             14.8       14.1         11.6        5.1          5.9       16.0          3.4
5 y2016 2016 12,114           28.4             11.6       17.4         10.0        5.1          1.3       20.5          5.9
6 y2017 2017  9,184           32.9             13.5       19.5         11.2        2.3          3.4       10.2          7.0

Computer and Information Systems Managers (110 in OCC): 2005-2017, grouped by BIRTHPLACE_TECH and SEX, STATE=CA, COUNTY=Santa Clara (count)

   Year YEAR  Count U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female India_Male India_Female China_Male China_Female Other_Male Other_Female
1 y2005 2005  5,589          1,698            1,435      1,097           73        164           69        849          204
2 y2010 2010  9,227          1,673            2,545      1,690          359        503          343      1,475          639
3 y2014 2014  7,804          1,702            1,035      1,645          817        220          220      1,746          419
4 y2015 2015  7,913          2,313            1,175      1,113          914        401          466      1,265          266
5 y2016 2016 12,114          3,446            1,400      2,107        1,206        612          156      2,478          709
6 y2017 2017  9,184          3,022            1,239      1,791        1,032        208          314        937          641

Lawyers and Judges (178-179) in the United States

Lawyers and Judges (178-179): 1980-2017, grouped by BIRTHPLACE_TECH and SEX, UNITED STATES (percent)

   Year YEAR     Count U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female India_Male India_Female China_Male China_Female Other_Male Other_Female
1 y1980 1980   522,700           83.4             13.3        0.0          0.0        0.1          0.0        2.6          0.6
2 y1990 1990   768,536           73.0             22.8        0.1          0.0        0.1          0.1        2.6          1.2
3 y2000 2000   926,853           67.2             27.2        0.1          0.1        0.2          0.1        3.0          2.0
4 y2010 2010 1,045,423           62.1             30.6        0.2          0.3        0.3          0.2        3.7          2.7
5 y2017 2017 1,134,206           56.9             33.7        0.3          0.3        0.3          0.4        4.1          3.9

Lawyers and Judges (178-179): 1980-2017, grouped by BIRTHPLACE_TECH and SEX, UNITED STATES (count)

   Year YEAR     Count U.S._Born_Male U.S._Born_Female India_Male India_Female China_Male China_Female Other_Male Other_Female
1 y1980 1980   522,700        436,080           69,360        240           80        400           80     13,360        3,100
2 y1990 1990   768,536        561,127          175,039        580          334        954          704     20,282        9,516
3 y2000 2000   926,853        622,670          252,509      1,072        1,207      1,812        1,299     28,142       18,142
4 y2010 2010 1,045,423        649,523          320,154      1,658        2,625      2,839        2,044     38,859       27,721
5 y2017 2017 1,134,206        645,650          382,669      3,080        3,386      3,770        5,028     46,788       43,835


Computer software developers (229) in the United States

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by RACE, UNITED STATES (percent)

   Year YEAR     Count White Black AmIndian Chinese Japanese OthAsian OthRace TwoRace X3.Races
1 y1980 1980   311,180  89.4   5.6      0.3     2.2      0.7      1.6     0.2      NA       NA
2 y1990 1990   644,172  85.3   5.9      0.2     3.4      0.7      3.3     1.2      NA       NA
3 y2000 2000 1,349,011  75.0   5.1      0.3     5.5      0.6     10.5     1.2     1.6      0.1
4 y2010 2010 1,315,823  67.3   4.3      0.2     6.2      0.3     18.9     1.2     1.5      0.1
5 y2017 2017 1,803,306  61.4   4.6      0.1     6.7      0.5     22.5     1.5     2.4      0.3

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by RACE, UNITED STATES (count)

   Year YEAR     Count     White  Black AmIndian Chinese Japanese OthAsian OthRace TwoRace X3.Races
1 y1980 1980   311,180   278,320 17,300      940   6,780    2,220    5,060     560      NA       NA
2 y1990 1990   644,172   549,662 38,222    1,506  21,733    4,385   21,143   7,521      NA       NA
3 y2000 2000 1,349,011 1,012,312 69,245    3,835  74,592    7,634  142,212  16,413  21,533    1,235
4 y2010 2010 1,315,823   885,524 56,064    3,200  81,365    4,407  248,679  15,370  20,105    1,109
5 y2017 2017 1,803,306 1,107,448 82,532    2,110 120,425    8,657  405,741  27,824  42,462    6,107

Computer software developers (229) in Santa Clara County, CA (center of Silicon Valley)

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by RACE, STATE=CA, COUNTY=Santa Clara (percent)

   Year YEAR  Count White Black AmIndian Chinese Japanese OthAsian OthRace TwoRace X3.Races
1 y1980 1980  6,900  82.0   2.0      0.3     8.1      2.6      4.9      NA      NA       NA
2 y1990 1990 12,993  72.4   2.8      0.1    12.7      2.5      8.9     0.4      NA       NA
3 y2000 2000 47,667  44.0   1.0      0.2    18.9      1.9     30.0     1.5     2.4      0.1
4 y2010 2010 52,260  30.9   0.2      0.1    20.2      0.6     46.0     1.6     0.4      0.1
5 y2017 2017 90,412  29.3   1.3       NA    20.3      1.0     46.1     0.6     1.3      0.2

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by RACE, STATE=CA, COUNTY=Santa Clara (count)

   Year YEAR  Count  White Black AmIndian Chinese Japanese OthAsian OthRace TwoRace X3.Races
1 y1980 1980  6,900  5,660   140       20     560      180      340      NA      NA       NA
2 y1990 1990 12,993  9,410   366       18   1,656      323    1,162      58      NA       NA
3 y2000 2000 47,667 20,969   480      118   9,006      889   14,292     694   1,157       62
4 y2010 2010 52,260 16,129    82       66  10,572      297   24,045     813     196       60
5 y2017 2017 90,412 26,463 1,133       NA  18,343      906   41,716     518   1,159      174


Computer software developers (229) in the United States

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by HISPAN, UNITED STATES (percent)

   Year YEAR     Count NotHisp Mexican PuertoRico Cuban Other
1 y1980 1980   311,180    97.2     1.1        0.4   0.3   1.0
2 y1990 1990   644,172    96.7     1.4        0.4   0.4   1.1
3 y2000 2000 1,349,011    96.4     1.4        0.5   0.3   1.4
4 y2010 2010 1,315,823    95.6     1.8        0.5   0.3   1.7
5 y2017 2017 1,803,306    94.2     2.6        0.6   0.4   2.2

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by HISPAN, UNITED STATES (count)

   Year YEAR     Count   NotHisp Mexican PuertoRico Cuban  Other
1 y1980 1980   311,180   302,400   3,440      1,180 1,020  3,140
2 y1990 1990   644,172   622,864   8,899      2,634 2,399  7,376
3 y2000 2000 1,349,011 1,300,717  19,435      6,547 3,398 18,914
4 y2010 2010 1,315,823 1,257,915  24,183      6,574 4,565 22,586
5 y2017 2017 1,803,306 1,699,383  46,313     11,382 7,112 39,116

Computer software developers (229) in Santa Clara County, CA (center of Silicon Valley)

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by HISPAN, STATE=CA, COUNTY=Santa Clara (percent)

   Year YEAR  Count NotHisp Mexican PuertoRico Cuban Other
1 y1980 1980  6,900    97.1     2.0         NA    NA   0.9
2 y1990 1990 12,993    96.8     1.9         NA   0.2   1.1
3 y2000 2000 47,667    96.8     2.0        0.2   0.1   0.9
4 y2010 2010 52,260    97.9     1.2        0.1    NA   0.8
5 y2017 2017 90,412    96.8     1.3        0.2   0.3   1.3

Computer software developers (229): 1980-2017, grouped by HISPAN, STATE=CA, COUNTY=Santa Clara (count)

   Year YEAR  Count NotHisp Mexican PuertoRico Cuban Other
1 y1980 1980  6,900   6,700     140         NA    NA    60
2 y1990 1990 12,993  12,575     251         NA    24   143
3 y2000 2000 47,667  46,164     948         90    45   420
4 y2010 2010 52,260  51,169     628         60    NA   403
5 y2017 2017 90,412  87,556   1,188        189   280 1,199


U.S. Census Data available at IPUMS USA - using the following default sample from each year:


  1. In order to compare occupations since 1990, the above numbers use OCC1990, described at this link. The one exception is "Computer and Information Systems Managers". It uses ACS OCCUPATION CODES codes described at this link.
  2. India refers to code 521 for variable BPL and includes India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma (Myanmar), Pakistan, and Sri Lanka (Ceylon). These countries can be seen by going to this link, selecting the radio button "Detailed codes (572 categories)", and searching for India.
  3. China refers to code 500 for variable BPL and includes China, Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, and Taiwan. These countries can be seen by going to this link, selecting the radio button "Detailed codes (572 categories)", and searching for China.

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