Outlay 1
Outlay 2
                              SELECTED FEDERAL OUTLAYS (in billions of 2000 dollars)

FUNCTION                              2000    2001    2002    2003    2004*   2005*   2006*   2007*   2008*   2009*
----------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
National Defense..................  294.50  298.51  334.89  381.14  419.30  409.29  386.11  388.02  397.03  405.14
Social Security...................  409.42  423.06  438.11  446.80  458.57  467.79  472.32  482.73  493.63  509.16
Medicare..........................  197.11  212.41  221.81  234.78  249.95  267.28  301.90  326.82  338.29  351.10
Health............................  154.53  168.33  188.84  206.68  225.05  229.45  237.00  247.61  260.61  272.94
Net Interest......................  222.95  201.45  164.25  144.09  144.42  161.60  188.88  213.68  233.46  248.77
Income Security...................  253.58  263.45  300.28  314.79  313.77  316.24  312.66  310.20  310.82  309.18
Education, Training, Employment...   53.75   55.84   67.78   77.72   80.60   80.86   78.66   76.24   74.58   73.17
Transportation....................   46.85   53.20   59.41   63.13   62.98   63.49   62.22   61.11   60.37   59.78
Veterans Benefits and Services....   47.08   44.01   48.99   53.67   55.87   61.29   59.11   57.25   60.56   61.44
Administration of Justice.........   28.50   29.51   33.79   33.33   38.45   38.86   37.44   35.78   35.52   35.32
International Affairs.............   17.22   16.12   21.47   19.96   31.64   34.37   28.74   27.67   27.91   27.69
Other Outlays.....................  105.86  101.19   98.06  106.02  117.32  106.69   93.03   90.99   87.61   85.92
Undistributed Offsetting Receipts.  -42.58  -45.94  -45.53  -51.19  -54.83  -57.32  -68.54  -68.44  -64.61  -66.66
---------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total, Federal Outlays............ 1788.77 1821.15 1932.14 2030.91 2143.10 2179.89 2189.53 2249.67 2315.78 2372.95

GDP (billions of current dollars).  9708.4 10040.7 10373.4 10828.3 11466.0 12042.4 12641.1 13279.1 13972.6 14701.6
GDP (billions of 2000 dollars)....  9708.4  9811.1  9966.8 10192.3 10597.0 10938.7 11190.8 11525.0 11877.4 12225.9
Composite Outlay Deflator.........  1.0000  1.0234  1.0408  1.0624  1.0820  1.1009  1.1296  1.1522  1.1764  1.2025

* estimated

                                OUTLAYS BY FUNCTION (in billions of 2000 dollars)

FUNCTION                              2000    2001    2002    2003    2004*   2005*   2006*   2007*   2008*   2009*
----------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
National Defense..................  294.50  298.51  334.89  381.14  419.30  409.29  386.11  388.02  397.03  405.14
International Affairs.............   17.22   16.12   21.47   19.96   31.64   34.37   28.74   27.67   27.91   27.69
General Science, Space & Technology  18.63   19.33   19.95   19.65   20.60   22.12   21.84   22.27   22.12   21.67
Energy............................   -1.06    0.04    0.46   -0.73    0.88    1.61    1.66    1.48    1.41    1.39
Natural Resources and Environment.   25.03   25.04   28.30   27.96   29.27   28.07   26.91   26.71   26.18   25.46
Agriculture.......................   36.47   25.60   21.10   21.27   18.60   20.28   18.50   17.92   17.22   16.84
Commerce and Housing Credit.......    3.21    5.74   -0.38   -1.51    7.14    2.47   -1.10   -0.38   -1.15    0.13
Transportation....................   46.85   53.20   59.41   63.13   62.98   63.49   62.22   61.11   60.37   59.78
Community and Regional Development   10.62   11.50   12.47   17.74   17.34   15.46   13.35   13.23   12.00   11.55
Education, Training, Employment,
    and Social Services...........   53.75   55.84   67.78   77.72   80.60   80.86   78.66   76.24   74.58   73.17
Health............................  154.53  168.33  188.84  206.68  225.05  229.45  237.00  247.61  260.61  272.94
Medicare..........................  197.11  212.41  221.81  234.78  249.95  267.28  301.90  326.82  338.29  351.10
Income Security...................  253.58  263.45  300.28  314.79  313.77  316.24  312.66  310.20  310.82  309.18
Social Security...................  409.42  423.06  438.11  446.80  458.57  467.79  472.32  482.73  493.63  509.16
Veterans Benefits and Services....   47.08   44.01   48.99   53.67   55.87   61.29   59.11   57.25   60.56   61.44
Administration of Justice.........   28.50   29.51   33.79   33.33   38.45   38.86   37.44   35.78   35.52   35.32
General Government................   12.96   13.93   16.15   21.64   23.50   17.39   17.21   15.93   15.88   15.33
Net Interest......................  222.95  201.45  164.25  144.09  144.42  161.60  188.88  213.68  233.46  248.77
Allowances........................    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   -0.70   -5.35   -6.17   -6.04   -6.46
Undistributed Offsetting Receipts.  -42.58  -45.94  -45.53  -51.19  -54.83  -57.32  -68.54  -68.44  -64.61  -66.66
---------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Total, Federal Outlays............ 1788.77 1821.15 1932.14 2030.91 2143.10 2179.89 2189.53 2249.67 2315.78 2372.95

                        OUTLAYS BY FUNCTION AND SUBFUNCTION (in billions of 2000 dollars)

     FUNCTION and Subfunction         2000    2001    2002    2003    2004*   2005*   2006*   2007*   2008*   2009*
----------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
 Military Personnel...............   75.95   72.29   83.40  100.47  108.46   98.90    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 Operation and Maintenance........  105.81  109.40  124.91  142.52  153.16  148.85    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 Procurement......................   51.70   53.73   60.06   63.94   71.80   71.06    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 Research, Developmnt, Test & Eval   37.60   39.53   42.65   49.98   56.00   60.14    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 Military Construction............    5.11    4.86    4.85    5.51    5.70    5.45    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 Family Housing...................    3.41    3.44    3.59    3.56    3.60    3.61    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 Other (Dept of Defense-Military).    1.58    1.06   -0.52   -1.40    3.11    2.17    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00
 Atomic energy defense activities.   12.14   12.64   14.22   15.09   15.37   16.13   16.25   15.55   14.51   14.04
 Defense-related activities.......    1.20    1.57    1.74    1.48    2.10    2.97    1.99    1.99    2.00    2.01
 Int'l development & human assist.    6.52    7.03    7.51    9.73   16.52   19.09   15.12   13.78   14.02   14.02
 International security assistance    6.39    6.41    7.60    8.11    8.82    7.44    6.40    6.63    6.62    6.50
 Conduct of foreign affairs.......    4.71    4.93    6.79    6.29    7.35    7.12    6.83    6.73    6.64    6.53
 Foreign informatn & exchnge activ    0.82    0.79    0.87    0.90    0.93    0.98    0.91    0.88    0.87    0.85
 International financial programs.   -1.22   -3.04   -1.29   -5.07   -1.99   -0.26   -0.53   -0.35   -0.24   -0.20
 General science & basic research.    6.21    6.40    7.01    7.52    8.05    8.15    7.98    7.77    7.67    7.51
 Space flight, research & support.   12.43   12.93   12.94   12.12   12.55   13.97   13.85   14.49   14.44   14.16
 Energy supply....................   -2.12   -1.09   -0.76   -1.98   -0.34    0.34    0.42    0.28    0.22    0.23
 Energy conservation..............    0.67    0.74    0.84    0.84    0.82    0.80    0.77    0.74    0.73    0.71
 Emergency energy preparedness....    0.16    0.16    0.16    0.17    0.16    0.16    0.15    0.15    0.15    0.14
 Energy info, policy & regulation.    0.23    0.23    0.22    0.23    0.24    0.31    0.32    0.31    0.31    0.30
 Water resources..................    5.08    5.12    5.35    5.17    5.23    4.54    4.22    4.09    4.00    3.93
 Conservation and land management.    6.76    6.95    9.41    9.17    9.57    9.07    8.80    8.92    8.89    8.71
 Recreational resources...........    2.56    2.29    2.64    2.70    2.76    2.88    2.69    2.69    2.63    2.57
 Pollution control and abatement..    7.40    7.39    7.32    7.73    7.67    7.66    7.28    7.10    6.80    6.49
 Other natural resources..........    3.23    3.30    3.58    3.19    4.04    3.92    3.93    3.92    3.86    3.76
 Farm income stabilization........   33.45   22.18   17.64   17.33   14.55   16.41   14.95   14.42   13.73   13.36
 Agricultural research & services.    3.01    3.43    3.45    3.94    4.05    3.87    3.55    3.51    3.49    3.48
 Mortgage credit..................   -3.34   -1.14   -6.73   -4.32    2.05   -4.45   -4.07   -4.17   -3.96   -3.46
 Postal Service...................    2.13    2.34    0.20   -4.87   -4.52   -0.19   -3.49   -3.37   -3.92   -3.51
 Deposit insurance................   -3.05   -1.41   -0.98   -1.29   -1.34   -1.38   -0.92   -1.04   -1.60   -1.69
 Other advancement of commerce....    7.46    5.95    7.14    8.96   10.96    8.49    7.38    8.20    8.33    8.79
 Ground transportation............   31.70   34.99   38.58   35.29   39.55   39.80   39.59   38.65   37.93   37.47
 Air transportation...............   10.57   13.66   15.89   21.97   17.19   16.83   16.03   15.86   15.80   15.65
 Water transportation.............    4.39    4.30    4.84    5.56    5.94    6.40    6.22    6.33    6.36    6.40
 Other transportation.............    0.19    0.26    0.09    0.31    0.31    0.46    0.38    0.28    0.27    0.26
 Community development............    5.48    5.19    5.76    5.97    6.39    6.01    5.27    5.24    4.57    4.45
 Area and regional development....    2.54    2.57    2.53    2.26    2.42    2.66    2.36    2.22    2.15    2.09
 Disaster relief and insurance....    2.61    3.74    4.18    9.51    8.53    6.78    5.71    5.77    5.29    5.01
 Elementary, secondary, vocational   20.58   22.34   24.86   29.62   34.71   34.36   34.17   33.45   32.74   32.12
 Higher education.................   10.12    9.35   16.38   21.36   19.94   21.04   19.46   18.21   17.58   17.21
 Research & general education aids    2.53    2.71    2.81    2.80    2.99    2.78    2.73    2.64    2.59    2.54
 Training and employment..........    6.77    7.02    8.02    7.88    6.79    6.25    6.25    6.16    6.13    6.02
 Other labor services.............    1.20    1.24    1.38    1.39    1.49    1.47    1.40    1.35    1.34    1.31
 Social services..................   12.56   13.17   14.32   14.66   14.69   14.96   14.65   14.43   14.20   13.97
 Health care services.............  136.23  148.44  165.83  181.30  197.37  200.40  208.35  219.67  233.31  246.09
 Health research and training.....   15.98   17.52   20.52   22.63   24.99   26.33   26.01   25.34   24.73   24.32
 Consumer & occup. health & safety    2.32    2.38    2.49    2.75    2.69    2.72    2.64    2.60    2.57    2.53
 Medicare.........................  197.11  212.41  221.81  234.78  249.95  267.28  301.90  326.82  338.29  351.10
 General retirement & disability..    5.19    5.63    5.52    6.63    6.38    6.28    6.42    6.19    6.58    6.88
 Federal retirement & disability..   77.15   79.12   80.09   80.15   82.53   84.32   85.29   86.18   87.97   89.50
 Unemployment compensation........   23.01   29.55   51.18   53.70   44.63   39.23   38.33   38.37   38.99   39.95
 Housing assistance...............   28.80   29.40   31.76   33.25   34.50   34.09   33.48   34.27   30.59   26.57
 Food and nutrition assistance....   32.48   33.27   36.65   40.03   43.08   44.06   42.81   42.36   42.09   42.00
 Other income security............   86.94   86.47   95.07  101.02  102.65  108.24  106.33  102.82  104.60  104.29
 Social security..................  409.42  423.06  438.11  446.80  458.57  467.79  472.32  482.73  493.63  509.16
 Income security for veterans.....   25.46   22.67   26.36   28.13   29.98   33.75   32.30   30.94   34.58   35.90
 Vets education, training & rehab.    1.43    1.34    1.81    2.13    2.42    2.55    2.61    2.70    2.78    2.86
 Hospital & medical care for vets.   19.48   20.43   21.35   22.61   24.58   24.34   23.55   22.93   22.50   21.98
 Veterans housing.................    0.36   -0.88   -0.92    0.49   -1.78   -0.02    0.03    0.06    0.08    0.08
 Other veteran benefits & services    0.35    0.45    0.39    0.31    0.66    0.67    0.63    0.63    0.62    0.62
 Fed law enforcement activities...   12.12   12.26   14.91   14.88   17.41   19.69   18.45   18.74   18.90   18.98
 Fed litigative & judicial activty    7.76    8.11    8.78    8.55    8.66    9.39    9.05    8.87    8.74    8.60
 Federal correctional activities..    3.71    4.11    4.56    5.07    4.89    5.35    5.02    4.80    4.71    4.62
 Criminal justice assistance......    4.91    5.04    5.54    4.82    7.49    4.43    4.92    3.36    3.17    3.13
 Legislative functions............    2.22    2.26    2.53    2.67    3.20    3.23    3.08    3.04    2.97    2.91
 Executive direction & management.    0.46    0.45    0.61    0.66    0.53    0.55    0.52    0.51    0.51    0.50
 Central fiscal operations........    8.29    8.93    9.80   10.80    9.19    9.58    9.18    9.06    8.93    8.77
 General property & records manage   -0.03   -0.07   -0.40    0.19    1.00    0.79    0.44    0.41    0.36    0.34
 Central personnel management.....    0.18    0.18    0.05    0.19    0.19    0.48    0.45    0.45    0.44    0.43
 General purpose fiscal assistance    2.08    2.26    2.22    6.95    7.11    2.33    3.34    2.23    2.31    2.19
 Other general government.........    2.24    1.77    2.20    1.96    3.68    1.80    1.55    1.55    1.65    1.45
 Deductions for offsettng receipts   -2.48   -1.84   -0.86   -1.78   -1.40   -1.38   -1.34   -1.32   -1.29   -1.26
 Interest on the public debt......  361.93  351.26  319.50  299.46  294.97  317.74  351.95  386.73  418.37  446.96
 Interest to on-budget trust funds  -69.29  -73.58  -73.50  -68.26  -62.28  -62.60  -63.29  -64.62  -66.30  -68.28
 Interest to off-budget trust fund  -59.80  -67.24  -73.81  -78.64  -79.75  -83.49  -88.64  -95.62 -104.06 -113.63
 Other interest...................   -9.89   -8.98   -7.95   -6.15   -6.79   -9.07  -10.12  -11.78  -13.53  -15.29
 Other investment income..........    0.00    0.00    0.00   -2.31   -1.73   -0.97   -1.02   -1.03   -1.02   -1.00
 Spectrum relocation..............    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   -0.93   -0.74    0.43    0.50
 Debt collection initiatives......    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   -0.30   -0.29   -0.28   -0.28   -0.28
 Adjustment to pass-through accnts    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   -0.32   -0.79   -0.78   -0.76   -0.74
 Health care tax credit offset....    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   -0.07   -3.33   -4.38   -5.43   -5.93
 Employee retirement (on-budget)..  -30.21  -30.18  -32.18  -37.42  -40.74  -42.05  -42.73  -44.16  -45.57  -46.95
 Employee retirement (off-budget).   -7.64   -7.73   -8.53   -9.04   -9.85  -10.86  -10.42  -10.86  -11.45  -11.98
 Rents on Outer Continental Shelf.   -4.58   -7.03   -4.83   -4.73   -4.24   -4.32   -4.96   -4.87   -4.86   -4.73
 Sale of major assets.............    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   -0.29    0.00    0.00    0.00
 Other undistrib offsettng receipt   -0.15   -1.00   -0.00    0.00    0.00   -0.09  -10.14   -8.55   -2.72   -2.99
---------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
TOTAL, FEDERAL OUTLAYS............ 1788.77 1821.15 1932.14 2030.91 2143.10 2179.89 2189.53 2249.67 2315.78 2372.95

                              GROWTH IN OUTLAYS (in billions of 2000 dollars)

                                                                     2001 to 2004              2004 to 2009
                                                            -------------------------------  ---------------
                                                            Percent  Amount    % of    % of  Percent  Amount
FUNCTION                               2001    2004*   2009* Change  Change   Total Increase  Change  Change
----------------------------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ --------  ------  ------
National Defense..................   298.51  419.30  405.14   40.46  120.79   37.52   30.59    -3.38  -14.16
Health............................   168.33  225.05  272.94   33.69   56.72   17.62   14.36    21.28   47.89
Medicare..........................   212.41  249.95  351.10   17.67   37.54   11.66    9.51    40.47  101.15
Social Security...................   423.06  458.57  509.16    8.39   35.51   11.03    8.99    11.03   50.58
Education, Training, Employment,
    and Social Services...........    55.84   80.60   73.17   44.35   24.77    7.69    6.27    -9.22   -7.43
Other Income Security.............    86.47  102.65  104.29   18.70   16.17    5.02    4.10     1.60    1.64
International Affairs.............    16.12   31.64   27.69   96.34   15.53    4.82    3.93   -12.48   -3.95
Unemployment compensation.........    29.55   44.63   39.95   51.02   15.08    4.68    3.82   -10.49   -4.68
Housing & Food Assistance.........    62.68   77.58   68.57   23.78   14.90    4.63    3.77   -11.62   -9.01
Veterans Benefits and Services....    44.01   55.87   61.44   26.96   11.86    3.68    3.00     9.97    5.57
Transportation....................    53.20   62.98   59.78   18.38    9.78    3.04    2.48    -5.08   -3.20
General Government................    13.93   23.50   15.33   68.64    9.56    2.97    2.42   -34.75   -8.17
Administration of Justice.........    29.51   38.45   35.32   30.28    8.94    2.78    2.26    -8.14   -3.13
Community and Regional Development    11.50   17.34   11.55   50.69    5.83    1.81    1.48   -33.39   -5.79
Natural Resources and Environment.    25.04   29.27   25.46   16.89    4.23    1.31    1.07   -13.01   -3.81
Retirement & disability, gen & fed    84.75   88.91   96.38    4.91    4.16    1.29    1.05     8.40    7.47
Commerce and Housing Credit.......     5.74    7.14    0.13   24.27    1.39    0.43    0.35   -98.11   -7.00
General Science, Space & Technology   19.33   20.60   21.67    6.57    1.27    0.39    0.32     5.18    1.07
Energy............................     0.04    0.88    1.39 2282.03    0.85    0.26    0.21    57.39    0.51
Allowances........................     0.00    0.00   -6.46    N.A.    0.00    0.00             N.A.   -6.46
Agriculture.......................    25.60   18.60   16.84  -27.37   -7.01   -2.18            -9.43   -1.75
Undistributed Offsetting Receipts.   -45.94  -54.83  -66.66   19.35   -8.89   -2.76            21.58  -11.83
Net Interest......................   201.45  144.42  248.77  -28.31  -57.03  -17.72            72.25  104.35
----------------------------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ --------  ------  ------
Total, Federal Outlays............  1821.15 2143.10 2372.95   17.68  321.94  100.00  100.00    10.73  229.85

GDP (billions of current dollars).  10040.7 11466.0 14701.6
GDP (billions of 2000 dollars)....   9811.1 10597.0 12225.9
Composite Outlay Deflator.........   1.0234  1.0820  1.2025

* estimated
^ Income Security is comprised of Retirement & disability (general & federal),
  Unemployment compensation, Housing & Food Assistance, and Other Income Security.
Source: Budget of the United States Government, FY 2005, Historical Tables,
        tables 3.2 and 10.1

Outlays as Percentage of GDP
Outlays in Billions of Current Dollars
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