General Election 2024 - Dropoff in Votes from Presidential Race

SMARTelections Press Release Regarding Drop-off Factor in 2024 Election Results
North Carolina - Percent Dropoff in Votes from President to NC Attorney General in 2024

SMARTelections Press Release Regarding Drop-off Factor in 2024 Election Results

On December 17, 2024, put out a release titled Drop-off factor in Election Data Raises Questions About 2024 Election Results. Following is the first paragraph from that release:

As electors in each state are voting for President and Vice President today, SMART Elections, a nonpartisan organization focused on security and public oversight of U.S. elections, is releasing a comprehensive analysis of the 2024 Presidential election phenomenon commonly referred to as "drop-off". The detailed study includes six swing and eleven non-swing states and confirms what has been widely discussed on social media, Substacks, Reddit forums and among political advocates on both the left and right: in six of the seven swing states, and in all but four of the non-swing states they examined, there are considerably more votes for the Republican presidential candidate than for the next down-ballot race. The study calls this pattern "drop-off" and tracks the percentage of the drop-off and the number of votes involved, county by county, in all 17 states. The analysis for each state is available at

That analysis begins with the following charts:

The analysis includes similar charts for the 6 mentioned swing states and 11 mentioned non-swing states.

In order to further explore this topic, there is an R Shiny app at that displays this and related drop-off information. Following is the initial screens:

The data used to generate this graph came from this CBS web page and was copied on 12/20/2024, just before 11 AM. That brings up an important topic of obtaining updated election data. I was not able to find any place where I could download even state-level vote counts for the major offices (President, Senate, Governor, and House) as a data file (CSV or Excel). I had to look at several media sites and found that I could most easily parse the data on the CBS web site. Unfortunately, it only contains complete data for the Democrat and Republican candidate and not for "Other" in all states. If we really want transparency in our elections, it would seem that we should at least make this data available in a format that can be easily processed.

In any case, clicking the Candidates tab will display the candidate vote counts that were obtained from the CBS web page, as seen in the following screen:

Clicking the Data tab will display the data used to calculate the Democrat and Republican drop-off values, as seen on the following screen:

As mentioned in the analysis, "drop-off" refers to the difference between the votes for the President and the next down-ballot race. Many of the checkboxes along the left panel above determine how the next down-ballot race is selected. If "Senator" is checked, the next down-ballot race will be the Senate race, if there was one in 2024. If there was not one and "Governor" is checked, the next down-ballot race will be the Governor race, if there was one in 2024. If there was not one and "House" is checked, the next down-ballot race will be the House races and the vote count will be the sum total of all of the House races. If "House" is not checked, those remaining states will not be displayed.

SMARTelections made a few exceptions to this process. For North Carolina, the next-down ballot race is taken to be Attorney General race. This is likely due to the fact that the normal down-ballot race would have been the Governor since North Carolina had a Governor, but not a Senate, race. However, the Republican candidate for Governor, Mark Robinson, was reported in a CNN article to have "made a series of inflammatory comments on a pornography website's message board more than a decade ago, in which he referred to himself as a 'black NAZI!' and expressed support for reinstating slavery". This would presumedly have artificially increased the Republican drop-off so SMARTelections chose the Attorney General race instead. In any case, this exception can be reproduced by checking the "Gov(DE)" checkbox.

The other main exception was that SMARTelections chose the Governor race instead of the Senate race as the down-ballot race in Delaware. This is likely because Republican candidate for Senate, Mike Hansen, got just 39.5% of the vote. This was likely due to some combination of Hansen being a first-time candidate and the Independent candidate, Mike Katz, getting 3.9% of the vote. This again would have increased the Republican drop-off. This exception can be reproduced by checking the "AG(NC)" checkbox.

The "Skip(ME)" and "Skip(VT)" checkboxes can be checked to skip the Maine and Vermont races, respectively. This is because both have Senate races that were won by Independents (Angus King in Maine and Bernie Sanders in Vermont) which would increase the Democrat and/or Republican drop-offs in those states. For a similar reason, the "House" checkbox is not checked by default. This is because a number of House races have strong Independent candidates and/or no Democrat or Republican candidate and this can skew the drop-offs in some states.

In any case, checking the "SE non-swing" checbox will limit the non-swing states to those used in the SMARTelections analysis. Doing this and setting the "Units" select list to "count" will display the following screen:

Checking the last two columns against the SMARTelection drop-off counts at shows identical vote drop-offs in the 10 states of AZ, DE, FL, HI, MD, MI, NV, ND, OH, and WI with relatively small differences in the remaining 7 states of CA, CT, IN, MT, NY, NC, and PA. These are likely due to the fact that the vote counts in those 7 states are continuing to go through minor updates.

Setting the "Units" select list back to "percent" and setting the "Group by" select list to "swing/non-swing" will change the data to the following:

        state      state2      sparty     dem1     rep1     dem2     rep2 dem_dropoff rep_dropoff
1 1-NON-SWING 1-NON-SWING 1-NON-SWING 26117379 23450248 25751930 22966189    1.399256    2.064196
2       SWING       SWING     2-SWING 12831236 13477440 13022043 12725189   -1.487051    5.581557
The drop-offs of -1.49% and 5.58% for SWING states are almost identical to the -1.48% and 5.58% shown in the SMARTelections analysis. Similarly, the drop-offs of 1.40% and 2.06% for NON-SWING states are almost identical to the 1.37% and 2.00% shown in the SMARTelections analysis. Again, this minor difference is likely due to the fact that the vote counts in some states are continuing to have relatively minor updates.

Changing the "Group by" select list from "swing/non-swing" to "swing/dem/rep" will change the data to the following:

  state state2  sparty     dem1     rep1     dem2     rep2 dem_dropoff rep_dropoff
1   DEM    DEM   3-DEM 17392806 11841076 17002936 11910433   2.2415590  -0.5857322
2   REP    REP   1-REP  8724573 11609172  8748994 11055756  -0.2799105   4.7670583
3 SWING  SWING 2-SWING 12831236 13477440 13022043 12725189  -1.4870508   5.5815570
This selection splits the non-swing states into those which lean Democratic and those which lean Republican. In fact, they are designated here as how the non-swing states voted for Harris and Trump. As can be seen, the Democratic and Republican drop-offs in the Democrat non-swing states was about 2.42% and -0.59%. In contrast, the Democratic and Republican drop-offs in the Republican non-swing states was about -0.28 and 4.77%, something of the reverse but with a larger positive drop-off for their preferred candidate, Trump. However, the swing states were even further in the Republican direction with Democratic and Republican drop-offs of -1.49% and 5.58%. Clicking on the Plotly tab will display the following graphical representation of this relationship:

As can be seen, the swing states had a bit higher Republican drop-off than the Republican-leaning non-swing states (5.58% to 4.77%) but they had a markedly more negative Democrat drop-off (-1.49% to -0.28%). The fact that the swing states not only all voted Republican but were even more Republican than Republican-leaning states in this regard would seem to merit further investigation. Hopefully, this app can help in that process.

North Carolina - Percent Dropoff in Votes from President to NC Attorney General in 2024

On January 13, 2025, put out a release titled So Clean - Is that really how voters behave?. That release bagan as follows:

In EVERY COUNTY in North Carolina, according to the official election results, Vice President Kamala Harris received fewer votes than the Democratic candidate for Attorney General.

North Carolina complete drop-off votes and election results are here.

We covered this in the last Substack. But there's more now. If you're not sure what drop-off is, please read our original Substack on the topic, or check out our website.

Much of the data on this Substack is being released for the first time here.

Identical voter behavior in every county is not believable voter behavior. It seems highly unlikely that Vice President Harris got less votes than the Democratic candidate for Attorney General in every single county in North Carolina, at the same time that President Trump got more votes than the Republican candidate for Attorney General in every single county in North Carolina.

An R Shiny application using the same data duplicates this result, generating the following two screens:

As can be seen, the dropoff in Democrat votes is negative in every county and the dropoff in Republican votes is positive in every county. Now one could argue that this was caused by split-ticket voting where many voters who voted for the Democrat Attorney General candidate voted for Trump. However, the SMARTelections release continues:

For example, Durham County is one of the most solidly Democratic Counties in the country. It is 80% Democratic. It is absurd to think that Harris got 3,000 votes less than the Democratic Candidate for Attorney General there.

Also, the following graph shows that there was a negative dropoff in Durham County for ALL voters, irregardless of party or split-ticket voting. That is, looking at all voters irregardless of party, more voters voted for the Attorney General race than for the Presidential race in Durham County. The same thing occurred in the solid Democrat counties of Wake, Mecklenburg, Chatham, Warren, and a number of solid Republican counties. This would seems very unexpected, at least.

The following two graphs show that this pattern of the dropoff in Democrat votes being negative and the dropoff in Republican votes being positive in every county does not hold in every precinct.

However, the following two graphs show that this pattern does hold if you look at just those precincts with 7090 or more votes:

The limit of 7090 was chosen because there was a precinct with 7089 votes that broke the pattern. Still, the following table lists all North Carolina precincts with 7090 or more votes and includes the 100 largest precincts.

NC: % Drop in Republican Votes from 2024 US PRESIDENT to 2024 NC ATTORNEY GENERAL (Count % drop)

         COUNTY              AREA       Dem       Rep  MARGIN1    TOTAL1     Dem.1     Rep.1 MARGIN2    TOTAL2 DEM_SH REP_SH    MAR_SH TOT_SH
1      BEAUFORT            EV-BOE     4,465     7,878   -3,413    12,343     4,832     7,403  -2,571    12,235  -8.22   6.03     24.67   0.87
2     BRUNSWICK              NB07     3,073     4,032     -959     7,105     3,246     3,779    -533     7,025  -5.63   6.27     44.42   1.13
3     BRUNSWICK              SB03     3,435     4,559   -1,124     7,994     3,624     4,365    -741     7,989  -5.50   4.26     34.07   0.06
4      CABARRUS          ABSENTEE     4,323     2,926    1,397     7,249     4,473     2,721   1,752     7,194  -3.47   7.01    -25.41   0.76
5      CABARRUS            EV-CAE     7,210    12,798   -5,588    20,008     7,774    12,176  -4,402    19,950  -7.82   4.86     21.22   0.29
6      CABARRUS            EV-KTD     9,596    11,247   -1,651    20,843    10,149    10,599    -450    20,748  -5.76   5.76     72.74   0.46
7      CABARRUS            EV-LOB    10,286     7,984    2,302    18,270    10,637     7,485   3,152    18,122  -3.41   6.25    -36.92   0.81
8      CABARRUS            EV-NGA    10,274    11,636   -1,362    21,910    10,813    11,025    -212    21,838  -5.25   5.25     84.43   0.33
9      CALDWELL            EV-CRC     5,149    14,325   -9,176    19,474     5,688    13,595  -7,907    19,283 -10.47   5.10     13.83   0.98
10     CALDWELL            EV-SRC     2,602    12,297   -9,695    14,899     3,159    11,678  -8,519    14,837 -21.41   5.03     12.13   0.42
11         DARE  EARLY VOTING KDH     4,551     5,941   -1,390    10,492     4,611     5,734  -1,123    10,345  -1.32   3.48     19.21   1.40
12       DURHAM               ABS     8,682     1,526    7,156    10,208     8,725     1,454   7,271    10,179  -0.50   4.72     -1.61   0.28
13       DURHAM            EV BOE     9,275     1,254    8,021    10,529     9,385     1,181   8,204    10,566  -1.19   5.82     -2.28  -0.35
14       DURHAM           EV CMCC     7,270     2,933    4,337    10,203     7,417     2,816   4,601    10,233  -2.02   3.99     -6.09  -0.29
15       DURHAM           EV DUKE    12,146     1,533   10,613    13,679    12,198     1,413  10,785    13,611  -0.43   7.83     -1.62   0.50
16       DURHAM           EV EAST    12,273     4,638    7,635    16,911    12,585     4,442   8,143    17,027  -2.54   4.23     -6.65  -0.69
17       DURHAM            EV ENO    12,115     2,438    9,677    14,553    12,312     2,351   9,961    14,663  -1.63   3.57     -2.93  -0.76
18       DURHAM           EV MAIN    15,303     1,108   14,195    16,411    15,515     1,050  14,465    16,565  -1.39   5.23     -1.90  -0.94
19       DURHAM          EV NORTH    12,450     5,531    6,919    17,981    12,799     5,260   7,539    18,059  -2.80   4.90     -8.96  -0.43
20       DURHAM          EV SOUTH    15,459     3,019   12,440    18,478    15,810     2,871  12,939    18,681  -2.27   4.90     -4.01  -1.10
21       DURHAM          EV ZAKAT     7,131     1,469    5,662     8,600     7,402     1,425   5,977     8,827  -3.80   3.00     -5.56  -2.64
22    EDGECOMBE    EARLY VOTING 1     4,707     3,615    1,092     8,322     4,874     3,396   1,478     8,270  -3.55   6.06    -35.35   0.62
23     GUILFORD          ABSENTEE     8,806     4,169    4,637    12,975     8,962     3,892   5,070    12,854  -1.77   6.64     -9.34   0.93
24     GUILFORD         EARLYVOTE   131,049    83,320   47,729   214,369   135,663    78,011  57,652   213,674  -3.52   6.37    -20.79   0.32
25      HALIFAX EV ROANOKE RAPIDS     3,991     4,825     -834     8,816     4,198     4,526    -328     8,724  -5.19   6.20     60.67   1.04
26      HARNETT              PR01     3,281     4,235     -954     7,516     3,436     4,066    -630     7,502  -4.72   3.99     33.96   0.19
27      HARNETT              PR07     3,998     5,899   -1,901     9,897     4,288     5,592  -1,304     9,880  -7.25   5.20     31.40   0.17
28         HOKE               BOE     5,555     3,867    1,688     9,422     5,660     3,628   2,032     9,288  -1.89   6.18    -20.38   1.42
29         HOKE          ROCKFISH     3,546     3,807     -261     7,353     3,663     3,583      80     7,246  -3.30   5.88    130.65   1.46
30      IREDELL             CC3-1     3,523     5,339   -1,816     8,862     3,844     4,912  -1,068     8,756  -9.11   8.00     41.19   1.20
31      IREDELL            DV1B-1     2,747     5,976   -3,229     8,723     2,975     5,633  -2,658     8,608  -8.30   5.74     17.68   1.32
32      IREDELL                FT     2,359     5,447   -3,088     7,806     2,616     5,130  -2,514     7,746 -10.89   5.82     18.59   0.77
33     JOHNSTON   EV-ARCHER LODGE     7,333    10,888   -3,555    18,221     7,788    10,352  -2,564    18,140  -6.20   4.92     27.88   0.44
34     JOHNSTON         EV-BENSON     1,653     6,505   -4,852     8,158     1,877     6,201  -4,324     8,078 -13.55   4.67     10.88   0.98
35     JOHNSTON        EV-CLAYTON    10,764    10,971     -207    21,735    11,309    10,278   1,031    21,587  -5.06   6.32    598.07   0.68
36     JOHNSTON      EV-CLEVELAND     6,257     8,370   -2,113    14,627     6,666     7,901  -1,235    14,567  -6.54   5.60     41.55   0.41
37     JOHNSTON     EV-PROVIDENCE     2,296     5,902   -3,606     8,198     2,514     5,632  -3,118     8,146  -9.49   4.57     13.53   0.63
38     JOHNSTON     EV-SMITHFIELD     4,603     6,844   -2,241    11,447     4,921     6,395  -1,474    11,316  -6.91   6.56     34.23   1.14
39       MARTIN      EARLY VOTING     3,537     3,929     -392     7,466     3,773     3,602     171     7,375  -6.67   8.32    143.62   1.22
40  MECKLENBURG               145     5,658     2,227    3,431     7,885     5,950     2,077   3,873     8,027  -5.16   6.74    -12.88  -1.80
41  MECKLENBURG               148     4,712     3,184    1,528     7,896     5,091     2,901   2,190     7,992  -8.04   8.89    -43.32  -1.22
42  MECKLENBURG               202     3,771     3,652      119     7,423     4,057     3,397     660     7,454  -7.58   6.98   -454.62  -0.42
43  MECKLENBURG               211     5,846     1,438    4,408     7,284     6,099     1,296   4,803     7,395  -4.33   9.87     -8.96  -1.52
44  MECKLENBURG               212     7,021     1,466    5,555     8,487     7,396     1,325   6,071     8,721  -5.34   9.62     -9.29  -2.76
45  MECKLENBURG               229     7,067     4,038    3,029    11,105     7,464     3,754   3,710    11,218  -5.62   7.03    -22.48  -1.02
46  MECKLENBURG               230     5,280     2,042    3,238     7,322     5,622     1,832   3,790     7,454  -6.48  10.28    -17.05  -1.80
47  MECKLENBURG               241     4,722     3,159    1,563     7,881     5,018     2,945   2,073     7,963  -6.27   6.77    -32.63  -1.04
48  MECKLENBURG               243     5,207     2,462    2,745     7,669     5,509     2,254   3,255     7,763  -5.80   8.45    -18.58  -1.23
49  MECKLENBURG  ABSENTEE BY MAIL    26,943    11,314   15,629    38,257    27,345    10,549  16,796    37,894  -1.49   6.76     -7.47   0.95
50        MOORE             EV AG     6,431    15,909   -9,478    22,340     6,894    15,265  -8,371    22,159  -7.20   4.05     11.68   0.81
51        MOORE             EV RS     7,637    11,358   -3,721    18,995     7,900    10,940  -3,040    18,840  -3.44   3.68     18.30   0.82
52  NEW HANOVER  EARLY VOTING BOE     9,491     9,598     -107    19,089    10,003     8,976   1,027    18,979  -5.39   6.48  1,059.81   0.58
53  NEW HANOVER   EARLY VOTING CB     6,390     9,704   -3,314    16,094     6,846     9,156  -2,310    16,002  -7.14   5.65     30.30   0.57
54  NEW HANOVER EARLY VOTING CFCC    10,035     3,580    6,455    13,615    10,277     3,308   6,969    13,585  -2.41   7.60     -7.96   0.22
55  NEW HANOVER  EARLY VOTING NLB    10,603    13,868   -3,265    24,471    11,183    13,095  -1,912    24,278  -5.47   5.57     41.44   0.79
56  NEW HANOVER  EARLY VOTING SRC    12,085    11,274      811    23,359    12,696    10,526   2,170    23,222  -5.06   6.63   -167.57   0.59
57       ONSLOW              EN03     3,579     4,089     -510     7,668     3,730     3,688      42     7,418  -4.22   9.81    108.24   3.26
58       ORANGE            EV CHL    10,712     1,674    9,038    12,386    10,767     1,607   9,160    12,374  -0.51   4.00     -1.35   0.10
59       ORANGE             EV CL    10,322     1,160    9,162    11,482    10,430     1,094   9,336    11,524  -1.05   5.69     -1.90  -0.37
60       ORANGE           EV COTC     7,750     1,082    6,668     8,832     7,794     1,038   6,756     8,832  -0.57   4.07     -1.32   0.00
61       ORANGE            EV ECC     4,489     4,122      367     8,611     4,638     3,953     685     8,591  -3.32   4.10    -86.65   0.23
62       ORANGE             EV OW    10,514     5,457    5,057    15,971    10,730     5,208   5,522    15,938  -2.05   4.56     -9.20   0.21
63       ORANGE            EV SCH     8,838     1,730    7,108    10,568     8,923     1,655   7,268    10,578  -0.96   4.34     -2.25  -0.09
64         PITT      EV AG CENTER     5,779     4,650    1,129    10,429     5,987     4,439   1,548    10,426  -3.60   4.54    -37.11   0.03
65         PITT       EV BOYD LEE     4,803     8,247   -3,444    13,050     5,256     7,758  -2,502    13,014  -9.43   5.93     27.35   0.28
66         PITT          EV EPPES     6,572     1,129    5,443     7,701     6,590     1,056   5,534     7,646  -0.27   6.47     -1.67   0.71
67         PITT EV STUDENT CENTER     6,389     4,086    2,303    10,475     6,411     3,613   2,798    10,024  -0.34  11.58    -21.49   4.31
68         PITT    EV WINTERVILLE     6,552     6,535       17    13,087     6,959     6,110     849    13,069  -6.21   6.50 -4,894.12   0.14
69     RANDOLPH                TR     1,407     5,753   -4,346     7,160     1,655     5,454  -3,799     7,109 -17.63   5.20     12.59   0.71
70       STANLY            EV-BOE     3,603     8,679   -5,076    12,282     3,950     8,242  -4,292    12,192  -9.63   5.04     15.45   0.73
71       STANLY            EV-LOC     1,507     7,830   -6,323     9,337     1,750     7,501  -5,751     9,251 -16.12   4.20      9.05   0.92
72       STOKES           EV KING     2,189     8,983   -6,794    11,172     2,574     8,485  -5,911    11,059 -17.59   5.54     13.00   1.01
73        SURRY    EARLY VOTING 1     1,657     6,132   -4,475     7,789     2,019     5,730  -3,711     7,749 -21.85   6.56     17.07   0.51
74        SURRY    EARLY VOTING 3     3,500    12,293   -8,793    15,793     4,105    11,541  -7,436    15,646 -17.29   6.12     15.43   0.93
75         WAKE             ABSEN    34,479    13,156   21,323    47,635    35,070    12,302  22,768    47,372  -1.71   6.49     -6.78   0.55
76         WAKE              EVAB    15,350    12,102    3,248    27,452    15,859    11,616   4,243    27,475  -3.32   4.02    -30.63  -0.08
77         WAKE              EVAV    12,050     8,026    4,024    20,076    12,630     7,480   5,150    20,110  -4.81   6.80    -27.98  -0.17
78         WAKE             EVBOE    10,015     3,150    6,865    13,165    10,238     2,904   7,334    13,142  -2.23   7.81     -6.83   0.17
79         WAKE              EVBR     7,394     1,721    5,673     9,115     7,591     1,566   6,025     9,157  -2.66   9.01     -6.20  -0.46
80         WAKE              EVCA    20,604     9,226   11,378    29,830    21,310     8,733  12,577    30,043  -3.43   5.34    -10.54  -0.71
81         WAKE              EVCH    16,746     1,823   14,923    18,569    16,922     1,701  15,221    18,623  -1.05   6.69     -2.00  -0.29
82         WAKE              EVCS    20,067    10,499    9,568    30,566    20,675     9,985  10,690    30,660  -3.03   4.90    -11.73  -0.31
83         WAKE              EVGR    14,590     5,465    9,125    20,055    14,932     5,125   9,807    20,057  -2.34   6.22     -7.47  -0.01
84         WAKE              EVHS    11,097     8,326    2,771    19,423    11,539     7,912   3,627    19,451  -3.98   4.97    -30.89  -0.14
85         WAKE              EVHT    10,830    13,056   -2,226    23,886    11,469    12,459    -990    23,928  -5.90   4.57     55.53  -0.18
86         WAKE              EVJB    21,120    13,583    7,537    34,703    21,944    12,951   8,993    34,895  -3.90   4.65    -19.32  -0.55
87         WAKE              EVKD    10,411     5,615    4,796    16,026    10,797     5,249   5,548    16,046  -3.71   6.52    -15.68  -0.12
88         WAKE              EVLH    15,706     8,245    7,461    23,951    16,284     7,780   8,504    24,064  -3.68   5.64    -13.98  -0.47
89         WAKE              EVLL    19,809    10,905    8,904    30,714    20,345    10,478   9,867    30,823  -2.71   3.92    -10.82  -0.35
90         WAKE              EVNR    10,992     9,915    1,077    20,907    11,364     9,555   1,809    20,919  -3.38   3.63    -67.97  -0.06
91         WAKE              EVOP    15,635     9,112    6,523    24,747    16,136     8,664   7,472    24,800  -3.20   4.92    -14.55  -0.21
92         WAKE              EVSE    10,945     1,917    9,028    12,862    11,220     1,706   9,514    12,926  -2.51  11.01     -5.38  -0.50
93         WAKE              EVTA    16,122     4,905   11,217    21,027    16,596     4,499  12,097    21,095  -2.94   8.28     -7.85  -0.32
94         WAKE              EVWA     9,981     9,779      202    19,760    10,452     9,383   1,069    19,835  -4.72   4.05   -429.21  -0.38
95         WAKE              EVWD     5,579     5,192      387    10,771     5,881     4,888     993    10,769  -5.41   5.86   -156.59   0.02
96         WAKE              EVWN    12,303     7,008    5,295    19,311    12,714     6,612   6,102    19,326  -3.34   5.65    -15.24  -0.08
97         WAKE              EVZB     5,175     4,907      268    10,082     5,444     4,625     819    10,069  -5.20   5.75   -205.60   0.13
98      WATAUGA            EV ASU     6,643     1,855    4,788     8,498     6,665     1,614   5,051     8,279  -0.33  12.99     -5.49   2.58
99       WILKES         OFFICE EV     2,837     8,384   -5,547    11,221     3,230     7,894  -4,664    11,124 -13.85   5.84     15.92   0.86
100      YADKIN      EARLY VOTING     2,252    10,495   -8,243    12,747     2,701     9,911  -7,210    12,612 -19.94   5.56     12.53   1.06
101       TOTAL             TOTAL 2,715,375 2,898,423 -183,048 5,613,798 2,874,960 2,715,411 159,549 5,590,371  -5.88   6.31    187.16   0.42

Source: North Carolina Historical Election Results Data, 2024 numbers downloaded at 8:46 PM PST on 12/06/2024
Note that the 24th precinct is an Earlyvote center in Guilford County that had over 200,000 votes and is on the far right of the prior two graphs.

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