* 4-year trailing average of the annual percent growth in total employed

                 U.S. CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT: 1948-2002
                       (population in millions)
        Noninst- Civilian             Unemployment   Employed   4-year
        tutional    Labor          -----------------  Percent trailing
 Year Population    Force Employed    Total     Rate   Growth  average*
 ---- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
 1948    103.068   60.621   58.343    2.276      3.8
 1949    103.994   61.286   57.651    3.637      5.9   -1.186
 1950    104.995   62.208   58.918    3.288      5.3    2.198
 1951    104.621   62.017   59.961    2.055      3.3    1.770
 1952    105.231   62.138   60.250    1.883      3.0    0.482    0.816
 1953    107.056   63.015   61.179    1.834      2.9    1.542    1.498
 1954    108.321   63.643   60.109    3.532      5.5   -1.749    0.511
 1955    109.683   65.023   62.170    2.852      4.4    3.429    0.926
 1956    110.954   66.552   63.799    2.750      4.1    2.620    1.460
 1957    112.265   66.929   64.071    2.859      4.3    0.426    1.182
 1958    113.727   67.639   63.036    4.602      6.8   -1.615    1.215
 1959    115.329   68.369   64.630    3.740      5.5    2.529    0.990
 1960    117.245   69.628   65.778    3.852      5.5    1.776    0.779
 1961    118.771   70.459   65.746    4.714      6.7   -0.049    0.660
 1962    120.153   70.614   66.702    3.911      5.5    1.454    1.428
 1963    122.416   71.833   67.762    4.070      5.7    1.589    1.193
 1964    124.485   73.091   69.305    3.786      5.2    2.277    1.318
 1965    126.513   74.455   71.088    3.366      4.5    2.573    1.973
 1966    128.058   75.770   72.895    2.875      3.8    2.542    2.245
 1967    129.874   77.347   74.372    2.975      3.8    2.026    2.354
 1968    132.028   78.737   75.920    2.817      3.6    2.081    2.306
 1969    134.335   80.734   77.902    2.832      3.5    2.611    2.315
 1970    137.085   82.771   78.678    4.093      4.9    0.996    1.929
 1971    140.216   84.382   79.367    5.016      5.9    0.876    1.641
 1972    144.126   87.034   82.153    4.882      5.6    3.510    1.998
 1973    147.096   89.429   85.064    4.365      4.9    3.543    2.231
 1974    150.120   91.949   86.794    5.156      5.6    2.034    2.491
 1975    153.153   93.775   85.846    7.929      8.5   -1.092    1.999
 1976    156.150   96.158   88.752    7.406      7.7    3.385    1.968
 1977    159.033   99.009   92.017    6.991      7.1    3.679    2.001
 1978    161.910  102.251   96.048    6.202      6.1    4.381    2.588
 1979    164.863  104.962   98.824    6.137      5.8    2.890    3.584
 1980    167.745  106.940   99.303    7.637      7.1    0.485    2.859
 1981    170.130  108.670  100.397    8.273      7.6    1.102    2.214
 1982    172.271  110.204   99.526   10.678      9.7   -0.868    0.902
 1983    174.215  111.550  100.834   10.717      9.6    1.314    0.508
 1984    176.383  113.544  105.005    8.539      7.5    4.137    1.421
 1985    178.206  115.461  107.150    8.312      7.2    2.043    1.656
 1986    180.587  117.834  109.597    8.237      7.0    2.284    2.444
 1987    182.753  119.865  112.440    7.425      6.2    2.594    2.764
 1988    184.613  121.669  114.968    6.701      5.5    2.248    2.292
 1989    186.393  123.869  117.342    6.528      5.3    2.065    2.298
 1990    189.164  125.840  118.793    7.047      5.6    1.237    2.036
 1991    190.925  126.346  117.718    8.628      6.8   -0.905    1.161
 1992    192.805  128.105  118.492    9.613      7.5    0.658    0.764
 1993    194.838  129.200  120.259    8.940      6.9    1.491    0.620
 1994    196.814  131.056  123.060    7.996      6.1    2.329    0.893
 1995    198.584  132.304  124.900    7.404      5.6    1.495    1.493
 1996    200.591  133.943  126.708    7.236      5.4    1.448    1.691
 1997    203.133  136.297  129.558    6.739      4.9    2.249    1.880
 1998    205.220  137.673  131.463    6.210      4.5    1.470    1.666
 1999    207.753  139.368  133.488    5.880      4.2    1.540    1.677
 2000    212.577  142.583  136.891    5.692      4.0    2.549    1.952
 2001    215.092  143.734  136.933    6.801      4.7    0.031    1.398
 2002    217.570  144.863  136.485    8.378      5.8   -0.327    0.948

* 4-year trailing average of the annual percent growth in total employed

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, online at

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