Medicare 1
Medicare 2
Medicare 3
Medicare 4
  (in billions of 1992 dollars - Maximum Earnings in 1992 dollars)
                                                    Maximum Composite
                  Total    Total     Fund   HI Tax Earnings   Outlay
Year      GDP     Outgo   Income  Balance     Rate    Taxed  Deflator
----   -------   ------   ------  -------   ------  -------  --------
1966    3279.7      0.3      4.0      3.7     0.35    28758   0.2295
1967    3428.6     11.0     13.0      5.7     0.50    27872   0.2368
1968    3515.6     15.5     15.8      5.8     0.60    31592   0.2469
1969    3638.1     18.3     20.5      7.7     0.60    29931   0.2606
1970    3650.6     17.9     20.3      9.7     0.60    28210   0.2765
1971    3665.9     19.0     20.5     10.6     0.60    26540   0.2939
1972    3768.8     20.1     19.3      9.2     0.60    28818   0.3123
1973    3984.1     20.9     25.5     13.3     1.00    32927   0.3280
1974    4054.4     22.7     32.7     22.3     0.90    37215   0.3547
1975    3964.5     27.1     32.1     25.2     0.90    35960   0.3921
1976    4121.0     30.0     32.3     25.8     0.90    36437   0.4199
1977    4342.3     33.5     33.9     24.5     0.90    36344   0.4540
1978    4555.5     36.8     38.2     24.3     1.00    36442   0.4857
1979    4738.8     38.6     41.6     25.4     1.05    43478   0.5267
1980    4672.5     41.7     43.7     24.9     1.05    44509   0.5819
1981    4748.6     45.6     51.2     28.2     1.30    46254   0.6421
1982    4677.8     50.8     54.8     30.4     1.30    47196   0.6865
1983    4755.9     53.6     61.1     19.2     1.30    49618   0.7195
1984    5052.4     56.1     60.6     22.8     1.30    50099   0.7545
1985    5239.6     62.2     65.1     27.2     1.35    50581   0.7829
1986    5433.9     61.7     70.1     48.0     1.45    52174   0.8050
1987    5566.4     61.4     75.8     61.2     1.45    52943   0.8273
1988    5796.3     61.7     79.6     77.1     1.45    52656   0.8546
1989    6011.9     65.4     84.4     93.0     1.45    53920   0.8902
1990    6140.8     72.0     85.9    103.3     1.45    55418   0.9257
1991    6043.1     73.0     87.7    113.4     1.45   128932   0.9695
1992    6143.2     82.0     92.7    120.6     1.45   130200   1.0000
1993    6311.7     89.4     93.0    123.0     1.45   131682   1.0252
1994    6510.1     98.0    101.2    123.5     1.45   no max   1.0492
1995    6688.6    106.9    106.9    120.5     1.45      :     1.0745
1996    6809.8    116.2    112.4    114.0     1.45      :     1.0991

1997*   6960.7    122.4    113.4    102.1     1.45      :     1.1283
1998*   7091.7    112.1    114.0    101.3     1.45      :     1.1589
1999*   7236.8    114.3    116.3    100.6                     1.1900
2000*   7398.9    114.8    118.7    101.9                     1.2222
2001*   7568.2    119.0    121.0    101.3                     1.2544
2002*   7747.3    122.5    123.5     99.7                     1.2863
* estimated
Source: Budget of the United States Government, FY 1998, Historical
        Tables, table 10.1 and 13.1; HI Tax Rate and Maximum Earnings
Note: Large decrease in outgo ($10.3 billion) in 1998 and thereafter
      is mostly due to moving home health care from HI to SMI program;
      HI Tax Rate is paid by employer and employee, each;
      starting in 1994, all earnings are subject to the HI tax

                     (in billions of 1992 dollars)
                  Total    Total  Premium     % of     Fund   Outlay
Year       GDP    Outgo   Income   Income    Outgo  Balance  Deflator
----   -------   ------   ------   ------   ------  -------  --------
1966    3279.7      0.0      0.0      0.0               0.0   0.2295
1967    3428.6      3.4      5.4      2.7     81.1      2.1   0.2368
1968    3515.6      6.2      5.5      2.8     45.6      1.2   0.2469
1969    3638.1      7.1      7.3      3.5     49.1      1.5   0.2606
1970    3650.6      7.9      6.8      3.4     42.6      0.2   0.2765
1971    3665.9      7.8      8.6      4.3     54.9      1.0   0.2939
1972    3768.8      8.1      8.8      4.3     52.7      1.5   0.3123
1973    3984.1      8.0      8.8      4.4     54.1      2.3   0.3280
1974    4054.4      9.3     10.7      4.8     51.9      3.6   0.3547
1975    3964.5     10.6     11.1      4.8     45.6      3.7   0.3921
1976    4121.0     12.4     11.9      4.6     37.3      2.9   0.4199
1977    4342.3     14.0     16.3      4.8     34.6      5.0   0.4540
1978    4555.5     15.1     18.6      5.0     33.1      8.2   0.4857
1979    4738.8     16.7     18.7      5.0     29.9      9.5   0.5267
1980    4672.5     18.5     17.7      5.0     27.2      7.8   0.5819
1981    4748.6     20.6     19.4      5.2     25.1      5.8   0.6421
1982    4677.8     22.7     25.7      5.6     24.6      8.5   0.6865
1983    4755.9     25.5     26.6      5.9     23.1      9.2   0.7195
1984    5052.4     27.0     29.9      6.5     24.1     11.7   0.7545
1985    5239.6     29.0     31.4      7.1     24.3     13.6   0.7829
1986    5433.9     32.6     31.1      7.1     21.7     11.7   0.8050
1987    5566.4     37.3     33.6      7.8     21.0      7.7   0.8273
1988    5796.3     40.9     41.0     10.2     25.1      7.5   0.8546
1989    6011.9     43.0     49.2     13.0     30.1     13.4   0.8902
1990    6140.8     46.5     49.3     12.4     26.7     15.7   0.9257
1991    6043.1     48.5     49.7     12.2     25.1     16.2   0.9695
1992    6143.2     50.3     53.1     12.7     25.4     18.5   1.0000
1993    6311.7     52.9     59.3     14.3     27.1     22.7   1.0252
1994    6510.1     56.9     54.7     16.1     28.3     19.9   1.0492
1995    6688.6     60.7     54.1     17.9     29.5     12.9   1.0745
1996    6809.8     62.7     74.6     17.2     27.5     24.5   1.0991

1997*   6960.7     67.8     70.7     16.9     24.9     26.8   1.1283
1998*   7091.7     85.3     86.4     17.7     20.8     27.1   1.1589
1999*   7236.8     90.1     90.7     18.8     20.9     27.0   1.1900
2000*   7398.9     93.8     94.4     19.9     21.2     26.9   1.2222
2001*   7568.2     99.3     99.8     21.0     21.2     26.8   1.2544
2002*   7747.3    105.9    106.5     22.5     21.3     26.7   1.2863
* estimated
Source: Budget of the United States Government, FY 1998,
        Historical Tables, table 10.1 and 13.1
Note: Large increase in outgo ($17.5 billion) in 1998 and thereafter
      is mostly due to moving home health care from HI to SMI program

Among the points that the above graphs and tables illustrate are the

1) Spending for Hospital Insurance (Medicare Part A) and Supplementary
   Medical Insurance (Medicare Part B) has been generally growing at
   a faster rate than the GDP.

2) The third graph shows a close correlation between the growth in HI
   income as a percent of GDP and the HI Tax Rate.  This may not be too
   surprising.  If you assume that the wage base is growing at about the
   same rate as the GDP, then a constant tax rate should bring in the
   same percentage of GDP.  This implies that the main reason for the
   rising HI Tax Rate is to support HI's above GDP growth.
     This correlation appears to break down a bit starting around 1991.
   But, as the first table shows, this is the year that the Maximum
   Earning Taxed more than doubled.  The maximum was completely eliminated
   in 1994.

3) The second (and fourth) graph shows the relatively small portion of
   Supplementary Medical Insurance that is paid by premiums.  The second
   table shows that this portion is projected to drop from a recent high
   of 29.5% of outgo in 1995 to around 21% from 1998 through 2002.

4) There is a relatively large drop in outgo projected for the HI program
   in 1998 and a large increase in outgo projected for the SMI program in
   that same year.  This is mostly due to the administration's plan to
   move home health care spending from the HI to the SMI program.

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